JULY 15, 2018 Certified Application Assisters at the Health & Wellness Center Cheyeanne Zimmer is now available to assist with recertification and applications for the Oregon Health Plan. She can be reached at 503-879-1359 or cheyeanne.zimmer@grandronde.org. Leah Bailey also is a Certified Application Assister available to help. She can be reached at 503-879-2197 or leah.bailey@grandronde.org. Grand Ronde Health & Wellness Center Optometry Tribal spouses on the Skookum Health Assistance Program will be re- quired to pay overages above the Skookum Health Assistance Program limitations, as well co-pays when receiving optometry services at the Health & Wellness Center. n S moke S ignals 27 Grand Ronde Health & Wellness Pharmacy Please be advised for: Refill Requests In order to best serve you, please note the following time requirements for your refill requests: (Valid) Refills remaining – Called in between 8:30 to 11 a.m., anticipated pickup/send out by 5 p.m. Called in after 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. next day pickup, excluding holidays and weekends. NO refills remaining – up to 7 days* *This allows us time to coordinate and correct any needs that may exist for your refill PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE OUT BEFORE THIS TIME FRAME ON A MAINTENANCE MEDICATION SO THAT WE CAN BEST ACCOMMODATE YOUR NEEDS. Thank you for allowing us to serve your prescriptions needs.