18 S MOKE S IGNALS JULY 15, 2018 JOB OPPORTUNITIES INTERNAL OPENINGS INTERNAL /EXTERNAL n Early Head Start Teacher Job #075-18 Early Childhood Education Grade: 10 Closing date: July 16 n AFC Caregiver (on-call) Adult Foster Care Grade: 5 Open until fi lled n Lead Cook Job #073-18 Early Childhood Education Grade: 6 Closing date: July 19 n Domestic Violence Relief Advocate Job #011-18 Social Services Grade: 8 Open until fi lled This is a limited duration position through June 30, 2019; continuation is subject to grant funding. n Cook Job #076-18 Early Childhood Education Grade: 5 Closing date: July 19 INTERNAL/EXTERNAL n Powwow Workers Job #059-18 Accepting online applications for Contest Powwow. n Tribal Security Offi cer Job #074-18 Engineering & Public Works Grade: 5 Closing date: July 19 n Environmental Policy Analyst Job #069-18 Executive Offi ce Grade: 13 Closing date: July 26 n Economic Development Director Job #055-18 Executive Offi ce Grade: 21 Open until fi lled n Teacher Aide/Bus Monitor (on-call) Job #054-18 Early Childhood Education Grade: 5 Open until fi lled n Audit Manager Job #077-16 Audit Services Grade: 16 Open until fi lled Internal applicants are 1. Current regular em- ployee, past their six- month Introductory period, receiving at least a “meets expecta- tions” on most recent performance evalu- ation and not under disciplinary action or performance improve- ment within the previ- ous six months, 2. Grand Ronde Tribal members 3. Spouse of a Grand Ronde Tribal member n Domestic Violence Coordinator Job #010-18 Social Services Grade: 12 Open until fi lled n Staff Accountant Job #012-17 Finance Grade: 11 Open until fi lled Drug-Free Workplace Policy n Eff ective January 1, 2004, all employees are subject to random drug and/or alcohol testing. n All pre-employment off ers. n When there is reasonable suspicion. n Post accident. or 4. Parent or legal guard- ian of Grand Ronde Tribal member children Internal recruitment process For those individuals meeting minimum quali- fi cations an interview will be given in the following ranking order: 1. Grand Ronde Tribal members a) Qualifi ed Grand Ronde Tribal members who show they meet the minimum qualifi cations of the position during the course of the inter- view process will be giv- en fi rst consideration for hire and the recruitment process will end. 2. Tribal member spous- es, parents and/or legal guardians of Grand Ronde Tribal member children and current regular em- ployees. Ad created by George Valdez Social Services has bike helmets The Tribe’s Social Services Department has bicycle helmets available for distribution. Those needing a helmet should visit the department and sign a helmet application, as well as get fi tted. For more information, contact Social Services at 503-879-2034. For a detailed job description, contact the Tribe’s job line at 503-879-2257 or 1-877 TRIBEGR. www.gr a ndr onde. o r g Ad created by George Valdez