S MOKE S IGNALS APRIL 15, 2017 13 Gabe Knight practices a ball handing drill along with other youth during the Superhandles Basketball Clinic held in the Tribal gym on Thursday, March 30. About 30 fi fth- through 12th- graders attended the clinic which continued on Friday, March 31. In the zone Amelia Mooney practices passing the ball behind her back during a ball handling exercise during the Superhandles Basketball Clinic held in the Tribal gym on Thursday, March 30. Jon “Superhandles” Hildebrandt, right, watches as Isaiah Holmes, left, and Dominik Briant practice a ball handling drill during the Superhandles Basketball Clinic held in the Tribal gym on Thursday, March 30. Hildebrant is president of Superhandles Inc. Photos by Michelle Alaimo Seeking your donations for 4 organizations! G RAND R ONDE H ELPING H ANDS I SKAM M ƎK ʰM ƎK -H AWS , T HE C LOTHES C LOSET , E MPOWERMENT O UTREACH MINISTRIES , AND A C AUSE FOR P AWS ARE WORKING TOGETHER You’ve got it. We want it! SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2017 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. GIVE TO 4 ORGANIZATIONS IN ONE LOCATION! Iskam MǝkʰMǝk-Haws is seeking Easter items and personal care items. The Clothes Closet is seeking school supplies. Empowerment Outreach is seeking camping equipment, bedding, sleeping bags (broken zipper ok) for homeless families. A Cause for Paws is seeking pet food, toys, and beds. We will take books for our lending library. Clean out your food pantry, we’ll figure out the expiration dates! If you are not sure, bring it or give us a call. Iskam MǝkʰMǝk-Haws 9675 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, OR 97347 503-879-FOOD (3663) Follow us on Facebook