8 S moke S ignals DECEMBER 1, 2016 We Want To Hear From You! That’s right, the Grand Ronde Health & Wellness Center Comment Box is located at the entrance of the Health & Wellness Center, next to the drinking fountain. Share your experience, good or bad with us! We look forward to hearing what you have to say.  The Tribe is seeking Requests for Qualifications from individuals interested in serving as an Appellate Judge for the Court of Appeals. There are 3 positions available. This is a part-time, Tribal Council appointed position with a term of two years. To obtain a copy of the RFQ contact Angela Fasana at 503-879-4596 or angela.fasana@ grandronde.org. Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. Dec. 23, 2016.  GENERAL COUNCIL ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT St. Michael’s offers brunch St. Michael’s Catholic Church offers an open house brunch every Sunday following Mass. The brunch is free to the community. Brunch begins at about 11:30 a.m. following the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Mass attendance is not required for brunch attendance. For more information, contact Janelle Justen at 503-550-0923.  Grand Ronde Housing Department Housing Board seeks community input The Grand Ronde Housing Board is inviting Tribal members and Tribal housing residents to provide input to assist its mem- bers in carrying out its advisory role to the Housing Department and Tribal Council regarding policy guidance. The Housing Board meets at 3 p.m. the third Thursday of each month in the Housing Department conference room, 28450 Tyee Road. Its chair is Matt Thomas. For more information, contact the Housing Department at 503-879-2401.  M OCCASIN M AKING C LASS N OVEMBER 19 TH CTGR P ORTLAND O FFICE D ECEMBER 3 RD 4445 SW B ARBUR B LVD . D ECEMBER 17 TH P ORTLAND , OR 97239 11:00 AM TO 3:00 PM Tribal Court Request for Qualifications The Tribal Council has proposed adoption of a General Council Ordinance. The proposed ordinance was given a First Reading at the November 9, 2016, Tribal Council meeting. The purpose of the proposed General Council Ordinance is to set forth uniform policies and procedures to carry out powers of the General Council and to facilitate orderly and productive meetings. Tribal Council invites comment on the proposed General Council Ordinance. For a copy of the proposed ordinance, please contact the Tribal Attorney’s Office at 503-879-4664. Please send your comments to the Tribal Attorney’s Office, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 or by e-mail to legal@grandronde.org. Comments must be received by Dec. 15, 2016.  PUBLIC RECORDS ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT The Tribal Council is considering amendments to the Public Records Ordinance. The proposed amendments were given a First Reading at the November 9, 2016, Tribal Council meeting. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to better define which records are and are not available for viewing, provide for declassification of certain records after 15 years and make other housekeeping revisions. Tribal Council invites comment on the proposed amendments to the Public Records Ordinance. For a copy of the proposed amend- ments, please contact the Tribal Attorney’s Office at 503-879-4664. Please send your comments to the Tribal Attorney’s Office, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 or by e-mail to legal@grandronde.org. Comments must be received by Dec. 15, 2016.  Drumming & Dancing Classes RSVP AT 503.879.2268 Thursdays 4:00-5:00 P.M. Beginning September 8, 2016 in the Education Bldg. Room 126 A & B Learn the techniques of Traditional style Powwow dancing and drumming For questions and to register for the class contact Flicka Lucero at 503-879-2268 or flicka.lucero@grandronde.org Sponsored by the Cultural Resources Department Sponsored by the Cultural Education Program Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Cultural Resources Department