Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, March 01, 2016, Page 5, Image 15

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    MARCH 1, 2016
Tribal Library
Tribal Librarian: Marion Mercier
Library Services provided in the Tribal
Library include:
Circulation Services: Performing check–in/
check-out services, catalog search and retrieval
services and outreach to assisted living and
the Elders Activity Center. Inter-library loan
services with OSL.
Reference Services: Providing on-site in-
formation services including assistance with
catalog search, computers, copying, faxing,
database access, leading library tours and other
general Q & A.
Computers with Internet/Wi-Fi Access: The
Marion Mercier
library has ive computers available for patron
use. The library home page has links to Tribal
and Native American history and information for easy access. The library had
560 computer uses sign-ins this reporting period.
Data Base Access: Provided to the library free of charge by the Oregon
State Library.
o Learning Express access job search-related material, academic programs
that include lesson plans and study supplements for elementary and high
school students and Adult Education programs with GED, GMAT, SAT
and GRE practice tests.
o LNet is an on-line live referencing service.
o GALE offers access to a multitude of periodicals, newsprint and other
Web Page: The Tribal Library information is on the CTGR Education Di-
vision webpage.
Smoke Signals: Tribal Library information is shared in the Tribe’s news-
Outreach: Outreach services are provided on request due to limited staff
in the library.
Follett Destiny Software System: This is the online software system that
is used for collection maintenance, patron maintenance, circulation services
and reporting purposes.
Alliance Plus Software Program: This software program complements the
Follett/Destiny and provides extensive MARC records that enable eficient
and accurate cataloging of collection items and facilitates author, title and
subject searches. This is a licensed system.
DEMOGRAPHICS: Current reporting period is January through
July 2015
 Cards issued
 Visits
 Circulations
 Donations
 Computer Use
 Days of service
Patrons/Library Cards: The Tribal Library has 1,625 card holders. Cur-
rent cards are issued to 951 Tribal members and to 674 community mem-
bers. Approximately 711 are active patrons, 604 are inactive and 310 are on
restricted status.
Library cards are issued to Tribal members and local community members.
Veriication of Tribal ID or local residence is required to get a library card.
Cards are free.
Collection: Approximately 782 items were added to the collection this
reporting period.
• Donations: The library received approximately 671 donations this
year. Donations are welcome but not all are entered into the collection.
Duplicate items, items in poor condition, outdated content, and cassette
and VHS tapes are not added to the collection.
• Weeds: Approximately 297 items were weeded or deleted from the
library collection this year. Items weeded or deleted included VHS and
cassette recordings, and damaged and outdated items.
• Collection Value: The estimated collection value is $273,600. Collection
items are purchased with Tribal and IMLS grant funds. Approximately a
third of the collection has been donated by Tribal and community members.
Literacy Enhancement Programs: The Tribal Library offers ongoing
enhancement programs.
• SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) Program (weekly): The program
is coordinated under the ECE Program, the Yamhill County SMART
Program, the Delphian School and the Tribal Library. Delphian students
pair up with ECE students on Thursdays for paired reading. We have
approximately 50-60 attendees weekly.
• Chinuk Immersion Program (weekly): The Chinuk class visits the library
on Tuesday morning for story and library time. Approximately 8 to 12 per
session with two sessions per week.
• K-5 Program Library time (weekly): The K-5 After School Program
students visit the weekly for story and library time. Attendance varies;
approximately 15-25 per session.
• Young Adult Programs: Teens visit the library independently. We have
several teens who are avid readers and use circulation services, but teen-
agers are generally at the library to use the computers for e-mail, Internet
and homework purposes.
• Summer Programs: The Tribal Library Summer Programs were June
15 through July 30. The Regional Collaborative Summer Program theme
in 2015 was “Every Hero Has a Story.” The library purchased about 60
theme-related books and materials for the Summer Program. Programs
1. Reading Incentive Program: For ages 4-17. Fifty-ive youth registered
In Education
S moke
S ignals Issue
for the program. We had 24 active readers who read 455 books and 11,854
recorded minutes of reading.
2. Activity Stations: Weekly activity with 15 to 20 youth participating each
week in the sessions.
3. Story time at Housing (weekly): This program was paired with the free
lunch program. We had two to six youth listen to the stories each session.
4. Saturday Movie Time: We showed “Hero”-themed movies in the library
at noon. We had two to four youth/parents attend.
• Newborn Program: The Newborn Program initially began in 2007. The
Tribal Library mails out a packet of information and materials to Trib-
al newborns and their parents about the importance of early literacy.
Forty-three newborn packets were mailed out in January to the newly
enrolled Tribal infants. Each packet also includes a new book, “The Rock-
a-bye Baby Reader.”
• Get Fired Up for Reading: This reading incentive program is for readers
of all ages. In the ive-week February/March program, our readers read
296 books.
Other Activities sponsored
by the Tribal Library includes:
Elder Services: Library cards have been issued to 149 Elders to date; 114
are to Tribal Elders and 35 are to non-Tribal Elders. Approximately 9 percent
of circulations were by Elders in 2014 and 405 of the computer sign-ins were
by Elders. Library services are provided to residents at the Assisted Living
Centers and at the Elders Activity Center to Elders as requested.
Annual Summer Kickoff Event: This event was on June 3 and was held in
conjunction with the CTGR Community Meeting at the gym. We registered
several youth for the Reading Incentive Program at the event.
Saturday Movie Time at Noon: June and July Summer Program theme
2015 UPCOMING MOVIE SCHEDULE: The third Saturday of the month:
Sept. 18, Oct. 17, Nov. 21 and Dec. 19.
Culture Exhibits in the Tribal Library
• On Loan Display: The library has a Tribal basketry exhibit that show-
cases old baskets representative of the ive main Tribes. These old baskets
belong to the Tribe’s Basketry Collection.
• On Loan Display: Two display cases are housed in the library that feature
other Tribal collection items. One case holds a trade bead necklace display
and the other case holds an arrowhead collection display and two wealth
blades made by a Tribal Elder.
• Contemporary Basket Display: In addition, the library has a contempo-
rary basket exhibit that contains baskets made by local Tribal members
in 2013 and 2014.
Tribal Library Exhibits and Displays: Library staff sets up several exhibits
and displays throughout the year, utilizing the two bulletin boards and other
areas to display items. Focus is on:
• Monthly & Seasonal Themes: Exhibits of books and materials that relate
to local, state, national and Tribal holidays or events occurring in the
particular month and seasons.
• Summer Reading and Theme Program: Display of information and books
related to the annual theme.
• Youth Art: ECE program student art is regularly displayed in the chil-
dren’s area.
• New Books and Materials: All new items to the collection are displayed
on the shelving nearest to the library entry for about 30 days.
PARTNERSHIPS/COLLABORATION: The Tribal Library has main-
tained the following ongoing partnerships:
Institute of Museum & Library Services: The Tribal Library has a long-stand-
ing partnership with IMLS. Our new 2015-16 grant award will provide funding
for staff, collection development and equipment that will include e-readers,
mp3 players and a game station and games.
Oregon State Library: The Oregon State Library continues to provide in-
valuable services to the Tribal Library. Services provided to our library and
to most of the Oregon Tribal libraries include:
• Inter-Library Loan Program that connects us to library-to-library lending
with OSL;
• The databases free of charge: GALE, Learning Express and LNet and more;
• Brochures and application for services to the blind;
• Professional development opportunities;
• Statewide Database Advisory Committee position appointment: Librarian
July 2015 through June 2018.
Oregon Library Association: The Tribal Library is a member to OLA, which
sponsors an annual conference and library support services workshops that
enhance professional development and library staff networking opportunities.
IMLS Basic Services Grant: The library received and maintained compli-
ance to the IMLS Basic Services with Education Assessment Options awarded
2012-15. Financial and performance reporting deadlines have been met.
IMLS Basic Service Grant: A new grant was awarded effective August
1, 2015, through July 31, 2016.
Reading Incentive
• Summer Reading Incentive Program: This program was very suc-
cessful with 20 active readers who read 455 books with a total of 11,854
minutes of reading logged.
• Get Fired Up for Reading: This reading incentive program is for readers
of all ages. In 2015, our readers read 296 books.
Outreach to Community
• Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee for the Ore-
gon State Library: The Tribal Librarian appointed to a three-year term
effective July 2015 through June 2018.
• Saturday Movie Time: Open to all community members.
• Inter-library Loan Program: This is a library-to-library lending pro-
gram with the Oregon State Library.