S moke S ignals JANUARY 1, 2016 13 January 6 Happy birthday Logan Kneeland! We love you! Love, Gianna & our babies & all of our family! Phone numbers wanted for Elders who wish to volunteer The Tribal Elders Committee is compiling a volunteer phone list of Elders. If you would like to submit your phone number and address to be available to other Elders, send it to elders.commit- tee@grandronde.org or leave a message at 503-879-2231. n Health Center adds hours SALEM — Chemawa Indian Health Center, 3750 Chemawa Road N.E., will now be open for business on Wednesday after- noons. Wednesday hours will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to allow for morning administrative meetings. Other hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. For more information, call 503-304-7600 or 800-452-7623. n Chachalu: Tribal Musuem and Cultural Center Honoring the Past and Building for the Future Select Donation Amount For Credit Card Donations (Please enclose check.) [ ] $500 [ ] $250 [ ] $100 Visit www.grandronde.org/culture/chachalu-museum [ ] Other _________ Donor Information Honoree (Make Donation in Name of) Name:______________________ Name:______________________ Address:____________________ Address:____________________ City:________________________ City:_______________ ________ State:_____ State:_____ Zip:____________ Phone/Email:__________________ Zip:____________ Phone/Email:__________________ For donations of $100 or more Mail Commemorative Card to (check one) [ ] Donor [ ] Honoree For donations honoring multiple people, include their names and addresses on a separate piece of paper and make a donation of at least $100 for each individual to be honored.