Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, December 01, 2014, Page 3, Image 3

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DECEMBER 1, 2014
Royalty holding fundraiser
The Grand Ronde Royalty Court will hold an Indian taco fundrais-
er from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 5, at the Community Center.
Tacos, with vegetarian options available, will be $6 and fry bread
will cost $3.
There will be free delivery to Tribal offi ces.
Please e-mail orders to before 5 p.m. Thurs-
day, Dec. 4. n
Tribal Nations Conference set
The 2014 White House Tribal Nations Conference will be held Wednes-
day, Dec. 3, at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.
The conference will provide leaders of the 566 federally recognized
Tribes the opportunity to interact directly with President Barack Obama
and members of the White House Council on Native American Affairs.
Each federally recognized Tribe has been invited to send one represen-
tative to the conference. Tribal Council member Cheryle A. Kennedy has
represented the Grand Ronde Tribe at previous conferences and this year
Tribal Council member Chris Mercier is attending.
This will be the sixth White House Tribal Nations Conference for the
Obama administration. It continues to build upon the president’s com-
mitment to strengthen the government-to-government relationship with
Indian Country and improve the lives of Native Americans. n
Offi cial Tribal Facebook pages
• Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde:
• Grand Ronde Tribal Council:
• Grand Ronde Higher Education:
• Grand Ronde Youth Education:
• Spirit Mountain Community Fund:
• Grand Ronde Station:
• Grand Ronde Royalty:
• Spirit Mountain Stampede:
• Veterans Special Event Board:
• Community Garden:
Tribal Council appoints judges
By Dean Rhodes
Smoke Signals editor
Tribal Council appointed three
judges to the Tribal Court of Ap-
peals and extended the contract
of the Tribe’s interim chief judge
during its Wednesday, Nov. 19,
Robert Miller, Douglas Nash and
Patricia Paul were appointed to
serve two-year terms on the Tribal
Court of Appeals with their terms
ending on Nov. 30, 2016.
In addition, interim Chief Judge
David Shaw’s appointment was
extended until Jan. 31, 2015. Shaw
was hired as interim chief judge in
late May for a term not to exceed
six months.
In other action, Tribal Council:
• Set the agenda for the 10 a.m.
Sunday, Dec. 7, General Council
meeting. The program report will
be about the Grand Ronde Tribal
Housing Authority and the new
food pantry. The Education Com-
mittee also will give a report and
Elders Committee nominations
will be accepted.
• Approved agreements with Mi-
croGREEN Polymers Inc. related
to investment in the 8 percent
unsecured convertible note due
in 2015;
• Approved the enrollment of fi ve
infants and one minor into the
Also included in the Nov. 19 Tribal
Council packet was an authorization
to proceed for Grand Ronde to host
an all Tribes meeting in early 2015
with a budget not to exceed $5,000.
Tribal Council member Jon A.
George and Reina Nelson, Jordan
Mercier, Travis Stewart and Eirik
Thorsgard performed the cultural
drumming and singing to open the
meeting. Former Tribal Council
member Steve Bobb Sr. delivered
the invocation.
The meeting in its entirety can
be viewed at the Tribal website,, under the
Video tab. n
Smoke Signals to be limited
to a copy per household
Starting on Jan. 1, Smoke Signals’ distribution will be limited
to one newspaper per household as instructed by a Tribal Council
authorization to proceed approved on Nov. 5.
Duplicate copies of Smoke Signals will no longer be mailed to the
same Tribal household address unless Publications is notifi ed of
the need for more than one copy to go to an individual address by
Monday, Dec. 15.
The decision is a cost-saving move for the Tribe. The cost to mail
out Tribal publications is the second largest expenditure within the
Publications Department, according to Publications Coordinator
Dean Rhodes.
“Smoke Signals will continue to be distributed in the Sheridan,
Willamina and Grand Ronde area at newsstands for those who would
like to pick up extra copies,” Rhodes said. n
Committee & Special Event
Board meeting days and times
Below is the most current information on the meeting days and times for
Tribal Committees and Special Event Boards:
• Ceremonial Hunt Board meets as needed. Chair: Marline Groshong.
• Cultural Trust Board meets at 4 p.m. on the fi rst Tuesday of each month
at the Elders Activity Center. Chair: Perri McDaniel.
• Culture Committee meets at 1 p.m. the fi rst Wednesday of the month at
the Chachalu Museum & Cultural Center. Chair: Betty Bly.
• Education Committee meets at 5:15 p.m. on the fi rst Monday of the
month in the Adult Education Building. Chair: Tammy Cook.
• Elders Committee meets at 1 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month in
the Elders Activity Center. Chair: Gladys Hobbs.
• Enrollment Committee meets quarterly in Room 204 of the Governance
Building. Chair: Robert Schmid.
• Fish & Wildlife Committee meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of
the month at the Natural Resources building off Hebo Road. Chair: Harold
• Health Committee meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month
in the Health & Wellness Center. Chair: Patti Tom-Martin.
• Powwow Special Event Board meets TBA at the Community Center.
Chair: Dana Ainam.
• Rodeo Special Event Board meets at 6 p.m. the fi rst Thursday of the
month at the Rodeo Offi ce. Chair: Harold Lyon.
• Social Services Committee meets at 3 p.m. the third Wednesday of the
month in the Social Services conference room. Chair: Alan Ham.
• Timber Committee meets at 5 p.m. the second Thursday of the month
at the Natural Resources building off Hebo Road. Chair: Bob Mercier.
• Veterans Special Event Board meets at 5 p.m. the fi rst Tuesday of the
month in the Community Center. Chair: Steve Bobb Sr.
Grand Ronde Health and
Wellness Center is excited to offer
this new feature…
To update information on this list, contact Publications Coordinator Dean
Rhodes at 503-879-1463 or
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