14 S MOKE S IGNALS DECEMBER 1, 2014 Turkey bowling JOB OPPORTUNITIES INTERNAL OPENINGS n Tribal History Curriculum College Intern Education Administration Grade: 3 Closing date: Dec. 4 n Sr. Administrative Assistant Engineering & Public Works Grade: 9 Closing date: Dec. 4 Internal applicants are 1. Current Regular Employee, past their six-month Introductory pe- riod, receiving at least a “meets expectations” on most recent performance evaluation and not under disciplinary action or performance improvement within the previous six months, 2. Grand Ronde Tribal members 3. Spouse of a Grand Ronde Tribal member or 4. Parent or legal guardian of Grand Ronde Tribal member children Internal recruitment For those individuals meeting minimum qualifi cations an inter- view will be given in the following ranking order: 1. Grand Ronde Tribal members a) Qualifi ed Grand Ronde Trib- al members who show they meet the minimum qualifi- Jennifer Clark, temporary Collections Assistant in the Land and Culture Department, bowls her way to a fi rst-place fi nish during the 11th annual Turkey Bowling event held in front of the Governance Center on Thursday, Nov. 20. Andrea Verduzco, Land and Culture Department administrative assistant, placed second and Amanda McMahon, Health Information technician at the Grand Ronde Health and Wellness Center, placed third for the women. For the men’s category, Mark Scheelar, Senior Telecommunications Technician, fi nished fi rst; Daniel Mooney, Maintenance Technician, fi nished second; and Alec Palanuk-Mercier, Help Desk technician, fi nished third. n CMA/Secretary Behavioral Health Grade: 6 Open until fi lled n AFC Caregiver (on-call) Adult Foster Care Grade: 5 Open until fi lled n Police Offi cer Tribal Police Grade: 11 Closing date: Dec. 5 Photo by Michelle Alaimo EXTERNAL OPENINGS For a detailed job de- scription, please con- tact the Tribe’s job line at 503-879-2257 or 1-877 TRIBEGR. n Early HeadStart Home Visitor (on-call) Early Childhood Education Grade: 9 Open until fi lled n Pharmacy Director Pharmacy Grade: 21 Open until fi lled INTERNAL/EXTERNAL n Economic Development Administrator/Manager Economic Development Grade: 19 Open until fi lled cations of the position during the course of the interview process will be given first consideration for hire and the recruit- ment process will end 2. Tribal member spouses, parents and/or legal guard- ians of Grand Ronde Tribal member children 3. Current regular employees Drug-Free Workplace Policy n Effective January 1, 2004, all employees are subject to random drug and/or alcohol testing. n All pre-employment off ers. n When there is reasonable suspicion. n Post accident. w w w. g ra n d ro n d e . o rg CTGR RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRESENTS WHEN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. YOUTH MUST BE PICKED UP NO LATER THAN 4:00PM LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE PREFERENCE GIVEN TO YOUTH CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN THE K5 AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM PERMISSION SLIPS AVAILABLE AT YOUTH EDUCATION FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT KENDRA STEELE @ 503-879-1921 Paid ad