Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, November 15, 2014, Page 5, Image 5

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    S moke S ignals
NOVEMBER 15, 2014
Walking On photos
sought for slideshow
Photo by Dean Rhodes
Finance Officer Chris Leno briefs the membership on the proposed 2015
Tribal budget during the General Council meeting held at the Tribal
Community Center on Sunday, Nov. 2.
General Council briefed on 2015
budget in executive session
Re-organization of executive office announced
By Dean Rhodes
Smoke Signals editor
Tribal membe rs re ce iv e d a
38-minute explanation of the pro-
posed 2015 Tribal budget in exec-
utive session during the Sunday,
Nov. 2, General Council meeting
held in the Community Center.
Finance Officer Chris Leno briefed
Tribal members on the budget in
executive session, which limits how
much detail Smoke Signals can go
into regarding the meeting.
Tribal members followed along
with copies of the most recent
Tilixam Wawa, and the Tribe’s
Information Systems staff recorded
the meeting for those who could not
To obtain a copy of the presen-
tation, Tribal members should
contact Tribal Council Executive
Coordinator Stacia Martin at 503-
879-2304 or stacia.martin@gran-
Following the budget presenta-
tion, Leno fielded four questions
and comments from the audience.
Tribal members have until 5 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 7, to comment in writ-
ing on the proposed budget.
In other action, Tribal Council
Vice Chair Jack Giffen Jr. an-
nounced a re-organization of the
General Manager’s Office. Tribal
Planner Rick George has been
named interim general manager
and Martin was named assistant
general manager in addition to her
role as Tribal Council executive co-
ordinator. Higher Education Man-
ager Bryan Langley will serve as
interim assistant general manager.
“It is our belief that this change
will not only help improve commu-
nication between the Executive
Office, departments, employees and
Tribal Council, but will also help us
meet the needs of our members,”
Tribal Council Chairman Reyn
Leno said in a staff-wide e-mail on
Tuesday, Nov. 4.
George will oversee Human Re-
sources, Health & Wellness, Tribal
Police, Planning & Grants, the
Tribal Employment Rights Office
and the building official. Martin
will oversee Land and Culture,
Member Benefits, Education and
the Grand Ronde Tribal Housing
Authority. Natural Resources,
Social Services and Engineering,
Public Works and Maintenance will
report to Langley.
Giffen also announced that the
February General Council meeting
will brief Tribal members on the
Tribe’s investment portfolio while
the March General Council meeting
will review Tribal economic devel-
opment efforts.
The next General Council meet-
ing will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday,
Dec. 7. The one-hour early start
is traditional to accommodate the
Tribal Council Christmas Party,
which will immediately follow in
the Tribal gym.
Dan Stroebel, Duane Wheeler
and William Beaver Jr. won the
$50 door prizes and Isabelle Grout
won the $100 door prize. Stroebel
donated his door prize to the Tribe’s
Veterans Special Event Board.
In addition, two necklaces creat-
ed by Tribal Council member Jon
A. George were raffled off.
George, Jade Unger and Land
and Culture Manager Jan Looking
Wolf Reibach provided the cultural
drumming and singing to open the
meeting. Tribal Council member
Cheryle A. Kennedy gave the in-
vocation. n
The Tribe’s Restoration Celebration Planning Committee is seeking
photos of Tribal members who have walked on for the traditional
Walking On slideshow, which will be shown in a continuous loop at
the Chachalu Museum & Cultural Center during this year’s 31st
celebration being held on Saturday, Nov. 22.
If you have previously submitted a photo or your relative has walked
on in the last couple of years, their photo probably is already included.
To check, please contact Publications Coordinator Dean Rhodes at
503-879-1463 or
If you would like to include your relative, please submit a photo that
includes their name, date of birth and date of death. Submissions can
be sent via e-mail to or submitted in person or
through the mail to Smoke Signals, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand
Ronde, OR 97347, Attn: Walking On slideshow.
Deadline for all submissions is 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17.
For more information, contact Rhodes at dean.rhodes@grandronde.
org or 503-879-1463. n
Chemawa Indian School
holding craft show
SALEM — Chemawa Indian School, 3700 Chemawa Road N.E., will be
holding a craft show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6.
Admission will be a canned food donation. Hand-crafted items and Na-
tive-style gifts will be for sale and there will be door prizes. The craft show
is sponsored by the Chemawa Powwow Club. Vendors should contact Karen
Serna at 503-399-5721, ext. 225, or via e-mail at n
Youth Education Presents:
Western Oregon University and Movie trip
For: Native Youth 6-12 grade
When: November 24, 2014
Departure/Arrival: Leave YED 8:30am
Arrive back at YED approximately 5pm
Youth Education will be taking a trip to WOU for a college
campus tour. Learn all what is offered at WOU, meet
students, explore the campus and more. After the College
visit, you will visit the Independence Theater for an
afternoon movie.
Lunch will be provided
Limited Openings: There are limited openings, pick up your
permission slip at Youth Education to secure your spot!
For more information: Contact Tiffany Mercier
Certified Application
Assister sets Portland dates
Certified Application Assister Loretta Meneley will be at the Tribe’s
Portland office, 4445 S.W. Barbur Blvd., from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday,
Nov. 24 and Dec. 8 and 22, to provide information and answer ques-
tions about applying for an exemption from the shared responsibility
payment, as well as to sign up members for health insurance.
For more information, contact Meneley at 503-879-1359 or by e-mail
at n
Ad created by George Valdez