2 S MOKE S IGNALS NOVEMBER 15, 2014 NOTICE — Monthly Tribal Council Wednesday Meetings DATE TIME Wednesday, Nov. 19............................................................................5 p.m. Please note that these times and dates are subject to change if needed. Letters Dear Smoke Signals: Just a few lines to let everyone know how very, very glad I was to have made it to Grand Ronde for my sister Marion Davidson’s funeral. There were so many who came. I was so proud as some of the family came a long ways. My two sisters, Hazel Haller and Betty Haller Garrett, came all the way from Redding, Calif. Betty’s husband drove all that way and they are not spring chickens anymore. Some came all the way from Washington. Yes, I was very proud of them, each and every one. The family of Marion’s would have made her proud of them; they did a wonderful job of pulling together and my beloved niece, Judy, she sang for her mom, so beautiful and my Willie how proud I was of them. All I could do was cry, and Marion’s oldest son of Buddie was like me; all we had was tears. Kenny, my baby brother did such a good job. He’s the one who kept us all from breaking up. Thank God he knows the Lord. Our mother would have been so proud of him. And that goes for all of the family. I didn’t get to stay too long. My oxygen ran out. We put a fresh tank in it and it was out before we fi nished our lunch. We have to go to Aumsville, which is about 65 miles from there. But I had my two puffers I kept using. I started having chest pains before we got to Salem. I never said anything, but as soon as I got home, I grabbed my wall oxygen hookup. But stayed awake so long as I had chest pains so bad. But at 4 in the morning, I went to sleep and slept until 10:30 a.m. But thank God I made it. I’d have started out walking and dragging my oxygen tank and got a ride if I had to. I had thought about it. We’ve all got to be strong now, as there are so many of us whom are not getting any younger and, God, it hurts to say goodbye. But when you know where you’re going, it’s so easy, but no one wants to say goodbye. Not even one. I remember my mom telling me, “Bebe, you are a prayer warrior. You know how to pray. You promise me you’ll always pray for your brothers and sister.” I promised. I’ve never broke that promise. God’s been good to me. He’s blessed me with a long life and kept strong in my faith. Again I want to thank all of Mary’s family and all who helped arrange for the funeral. May God bless each and every one of you. I love you. Your sister (Bebe) Geneva M. Haller Handsaker Roll #64 Dear Smoke Signals: The family of Marion Davidson wishes to thank the Grand Ronde Cem- etery and Community Center staff who worked to make her memorial service on Oct. 26 so special. To all staff who worked in the kitchen during and after the potlatch, we appreciate the extra help and please know that it did not go unnoticed. Thanks, also, to Tribal Council for the plant and words of sympathy. Special thanks to Ken and Sandy Haller for the beautiful service at the Lighthouse Church, as well as the very uplifting words Ken shared at the graveside service. We also thank everyone who contributed to the headstone fund. Your help and words eased our burden and pain, and we are proud to be part of such a caring community of Native people. To everyone who helped us in this time of loss, we are so grateful. Thank you. The family of Marion Davidson Tracy Moreland Roll #2040 Tribal Council Christmas Party set The annual Tribal Council Christmas Party will start at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, in the Tribal gym with a visit from Santa Claus. Tribal Council Chairman Reyn Leno will be the master of ceremonies and Tribal Librarian Marion Mercier will read Christmas stories to children. Tribal Royalty will perform “The Lord’s Prayer” at 12:15 p.m. and Tribal Council member Cheryle A. Kennedy will give the invocation before lunch is served and door prizes are awarded. Tribal children will sing Christmas songs beginning at 2:30 p.m. For more information, contact Community Health Manager Kari Culp at 503-879-2016 or kari.culp@grandronde.org. n Tribal Offi ce Closures Tribal offi ces will be closed on Friday, Nov. 21, in observance of Restoration Day on Nov. 22. Offi ces also will be closing on Wednes- day, Nov. 26, at noon and closed on Thursday, Nov. 27, and Friday, Nov. 28, in observance of Thanksgiving. General Council meeting Sunday, Dec. 7 — 10 a.m. Tribal Community Center Smoke Signals PUBLICATIONS OFFICE 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 1-800-422-0232, FAX: 503-879-2173 Web site: www.grandronde.org/news E-mail: news@grandronde.org Twitter: CTGRgov Facebook: Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde SIOBHAN TAYLOR CHELSEA CLARK DEAN RHODES PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS/ PUBLICATIONS SECRETARY PUBLICATIONS COORDINATOR 503-879-1418 dean.rhodes@grandronde.org 503-879-1920 siobhan.taylor@grandronde.org 503-879-1463 chelsea.clark@grandronde.org GEORGE VALDEZ JUSTIN PHILLIPS RON KARTEN GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST PAGE DESIGNER STAFF WRITER 503-879-2190 503-879-4663 503-879-1416 justin.phillips@grandronde.org ron.karten@grandronde.org MICHELLE ALAIMO VALERIE COX SCARLETT HOLTZ PHOTOJOURNALIST CENTRAL PHONES 503-879-1961 503-879-1446 michelle.alaimo@grandronde.org valerie.cox@grandronde.org george.valdez@grandronde.org DEADLINE DATE CENTRAL PHONES 503-879-1447 scarlett.holtz@grandronde.org ISSUE DATE Wednesday, Nov. 19 .....................Dec. 1 Friday, Dec. 5 .............................Dec. 15 Friday, Dec. 19 ....................Jan. 1, 2015 Editorial Policy SMOKE SIGNALS, a publication of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Com- munity of Oregon, is published twice a month. No portion of this publication may be reprinted without permission. Our editorial policy is intended to encourage input from Tribal members and readers about stories printed in the Tribal newspaper. However, all letters received must be signed by the author, an address must be given and a phone number or e-mail address must be included for verifi cation purposes. Full addresses and phone numbers will not be published unless requested. SMOKE SIGNALS reserves the right to edit letters and to refuse letters that are determined to contain libelous statements or personal attacks on individuals, staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. Not all letters are guaranteed publication upon submission. Letters to the editor are the opinions and views of the writer. Published letters do not necessarily refl ect the opinions of SMOKE SIGNALS, Tribal staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. Members of: n Native American Journalists Association n The Associated Press n Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association 2014-15 Tribal Council 1-800-422-0232 — tribalcouncil@grandronde.org n Reyn Leno Tribal Chairman — ext. 2399 n Denise Harvey — ext. 2353 reyn.leno@grandronde.org n Chris Mercier — ext. 1444 n Jack Giffen Jr. Tribal Vice Chair — ext. 2300 jack.giffen@grandronde.org denise.harvey@grandronde.org chris.mercier@grandronde.org n Cheryle A. Kennedy — ext. 2352 n Toby McClary Tribal Secretary — ext. 4555 cheryle.kennedy@grandronde.org toby.mcclary@grandronde.org tonya.gleason-shepek@grandronde.org n Ed Pearsall — ext. 2305 n Jon A. George — ext. 2355 ed.pearsall@grandronde.org jon.george@grandronde.org n Tonya Gleason-Shepek — ext. 1777