6 S MOKE S IGNALS NOVEMBER 1, 2014 Aleena Leno receives a bag of treats from Michael Burton, Tribal Senior Services cook, while trick-or-treating at the Elders Activity Center on Friday, Oct. 24. Brandon Thorsgard waits for his treat behind Leno. Fright sights On Friday, Oct. 24, the Tribe’s Youth Education Program celebrated Hal- loween with its annual costume bowling party held at Walnut City Lanes in McMinnville. The party included pizza and a costume contest. After bowling, participants returned to the Tribal campus for trick-or-treating. Mary Reeves, an on-call substitute for the Tribe’s K-5 program, helps Aven Cox put on his bowling shoes during the costume bowling party held at Walnut City Lanes on Friday, Oct. 24. Shannon Stanton touches up her son Lio Norwest’s face paint before the costume contest held during the costume bowling party at Walnut City Lanes on Friday, Oct. 24. Norwest’s costume won fi rst place for the K-5 boys. Photos by Michelle Alaimo After saying “trick or treat,” Ian Mercier waits to receive his treat from Tribal Elder Val Grout while youths were trick- or-treating at Adult Foster Care on Friday, Oct. 24.