NOVEMBER 1, 2014 S MOKE S IGNALS 5 Heyaza Brien, left, and Nokoa Mercier show a gift that the Grand Ronde Canoe Family received from the Heiltsuk, the First Nations of Bella Bella, British Columbia, and host Tribe of the Canoe Journey this past summer, during the journey. The gift was carried around the plankhouse for everyone to see and will be displayed in the plankhouse. Fourth birthday feted On Saturday, Oct. 18, a fourth birthday celebration was held for Achaf-hammi, the Tribe’s plankhouse. It included drumming, sing- ing, dancing and dinner, which included stew, salmon and lamprey, and a giveaway. Kyoni Mercier performs a paddle dance with other Grand Ronde Canoe Family girls. Kaikanim Mercier warms his drum before drumming and singing. David Harrelson, left, and Brian Krehbiel fl ip lamprey as they cook it in the fi re pit behind the plankhouse to serve with dinner. Salmon also was cooked over the fi re. Photos by Michelle Alaimo