NOVEMBER 1, 2014 S MOKE S IGNALS 3 ATTENTION If you are currently receiving or are in need of SNAP benefi ts, Social Services provides an Oregon Department of Human Services case- worker who comes to Grand Ronde twice monthly on Wednesdays. The caseworker may assist with applications, updates, child care, etc. If you are in need of services, call 503-879-2034 to schedule an appointment or you can reach Michelle Carmona at 503-879-4523. n Tribal Nations Conference set The 2014 White House Tribal Nations Conference will be held Wednesday, Dec. 3, at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. The conference will provide leaders of the 566 federally recognized Tribes the opportunity to interact directly with President Barack Obama and members of the White House Council on Native American Affairs. Each federally recognized Tribe will be invited to send one representative to the conference. Tribal Council member Cheryle A. Kennedy has represented the Grand Ronde Tribe at previous conferences. This will be the sixth White House Tribal Nations Conference for the Obama administration. It continues to build upon the president’s commitment to strengthen the government-to-government relationship with Indian Country and improve the lives of Native Americans. n Offi cial Tribal Facebook pages • Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: • Grand Ronde Tribal Council: • Grand Ronde Higher Education: • Grand Ronde Youth Education: • Spirit Mountain Community Fund: • Grand Ronde Station: • Grand Ronde Royalty: • Spirit Mountain Stampede: • Veterans Special Event Board: the-Grand-Ronde-Community • Community Garden: Garden Committee & Special Event Board meeting days and times Below is the most current information on the meeting days and times for Tribal Committees and Special Event Boards: • Ceremonial Hunt Board meets as needed. Chair: Marline Groshong. • Cultural Trust Board meets at 4 p.m. on the fi rst Tuesday of each month at the Elders Activity Center. Chair: Perri McDaniel. • Culture Committee meets at 1 p.m. the fi rst Wednesday of the month at the Chachalu Museum & Cultural Center. Chair: Betty Bly. • Education Committee meets at 5:15 p.m. on the fi rst Monday of the month in the Adult Education Building. Chair: Tammy Cook. • Elders’ Committee meets at 1 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month in the Elders Activity Center. Chair: Gladys Hobbs. • Enrollment Committee meets quarterly in Room 204 of the Governance Building. Chair: Robert Schmid. • Fish & Wildlife Committee meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at the Natural Resources building off Hebo Road. Chair: Harold Lyon. • Health Committee meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month in the Health & Wellness Center. Chair: Patti Tom-Martin. • Powwow Special Event Board meets TBA at the Community Center. Chair: Dana Ainam. • Rodeo Special Event Board meets at 6 p.m. the fi rst Thursday of the month at the Rodeo Offi ce. Chair: Harold Lyon. • Social Services Committee meets at 4 p.m. the second Monday of the month in the Social Services conference room. Chair: Jenny Sanchez. • Timber Committee meets at 5 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at the Natural Resources building off Hebo Road. Chair: Bob Mercier. • Veterans Special Event Board meets at 5 p.m. the fi rst Tuesday of the month in the Community Center. Chair: Steve Bobb Sr. To update information on this list, contact Publications Coordinator Dean Rhodes at 503-879-1463 or Dear fellow Tribal members: As we head into November, I would like to take a moment to update you on some of the things we have been working on here in Grand Ronde. I’d also like to encourage you to attend the Nov. 2 General Council meeting where the preliminary budget for calendar year 2015 will be presented to the membership. In just 10 months, we have made tremendous progress on our new apart- ment complex, a Tribal food bank and our Employment Services building. In addition, we have been able to focus our attention on the budget in a way that has allowed us to look for cost savings and improved effi ciencies. Below are just a few of the things I wanted to provide an update on and I hope you fi nd them informative. CY2015 preliminary budget On Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014, the preliminary budget was posted as required by our Budget and Appropriations Ordinance. The preliminary budget is a working document and several revisions will occur between the posting of the preliminary budget and fi nal adoption of the 2015 budget. Tribal Council has had several meetings on the budget and will continue to discuss budget priorities and review the comments submitted by Tribal members to the Finance Offi cer. The CY2015 Budget Hearing will take place Sunday, Nov. 2, at 11 a.m. in the Tribal Community Center. Feedback forms will be available for Tribal members to leave comments and/or suggestions. Employment Services building Construction of the new Employment Services building is underway and the building should be open by spring 2015. The building will house our Human Resources departments, the 477 Program and the Tribal Employment Rights Offi ce, making it a one-stop shop for Tribal members seeking employment. Tribal Council is looking forward to working with the departments to see how we can leverage our resources to improve em- ployment opportunities for Tribal members in and around our community. Tribal Food Bank Staff is continuing to work with Marion-Polk Food Share on food bank logistics and hiring for the new facility. The food bank should be open and available to serve the community in December. Tribal Council continues to work hand-in-hand with Tribal staff and the Grand Ronde Community Resource Center, an independent 501 (c) (3), to ensure that the needs of the community are met and to provide additional support. Expanded services for local veterans Tribal Council and the General Manager’s Offi ce are working with the Grand Ronde Health and Wellness Center to pursue the expansion of medical services to nonTribal veterans at our clinic. The expansion would require a separate contract (Tribal Council has already executed a contract with the Department of Veterans Affairs allowing the Grand Ronde Health and Wellness Center to serve Tribal veterans) with Veterans Affairs, which we’re looking to pursue. The expansion of services would allow local veterans to receive medical services here within the community and would lessen the amount of time they spend traveling to VA-approved facilities for services that are already being provided at our clinic. This would also bring in additional revenue. Tribal Council has been busy with a variety of other projects and an- nouncements, such as the approval of the Tribe’s Fish and Wildlife Plan, launch of the new Chinuk Wawa language app, receipt of a $500,000 grant for a new police station and the hiring of a new general manager at Spirit Mountain Casino. Smoke Signals has been covering a variety of these issues and announcements, so I encourage all Tribal members to read Smoke Signals for more information on recent projects and announcements. As always, it is an honor to serve you as your Tribal Council Chairman and I look forward to fi nishing this year by celebrating all that we have and all that we have accomplished as Grand Ronde Tribal members. Sincerely, Reynold L. Leno Tribal Council Chairman Fish distribution set for Nov. 17-18 Tribal fi sh distribution will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 17-18, at the Natural Resources Department’s Fish Lab, 47010 S.W. Hebo Road. Tribal members must show photo identifi cation to pick up their fi sh. Elders will have a line established to expediently fi ll their requests. To ensure this, only Elders’ orders will be fi lled using the line. If you are picking up for others, a signed release form will be required. There will be no early or late pickups, and fi sh will not be mailed. For more information, contact the Natural Resources Department at 503-879-2424. n