S MOKE S IGNALS NOVEMBER 1, 2014 19 EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Important notice to full-time students All full-time students must submit verifi cation that they have applied to a scholarship outside the Tribe before funding will be released for the term/semester. Verifi cation can include a scholarship award or denial letter, e-mail verifi cation that an application was submitted, a copy of the application or the fi nancial aid award letter that lists an outside scholarship. Please contact Education at 1-800-422-0232, ext. 2275, if you have any questions. n CTGR Higher Education Program deadlines set There are now only two Higher Education programs depending on whether you are full-time or part-time. The deadline for the Full-Time College program is at least 30 days before the start of classes. The deadline for the Part-Time College program is at least 10 days before the start of class. Visit the Tribal website for more program information and an application. www.grandronde.org/departments/education/higher-education/ n Looking for scholarships? There are numerous scholarship opportunities offered for students to apply to each year. The majority of scholarships for fall term/semester are due between January and April of each year. The Tribal Higher Education programs are here to assist you in your application process. If you use a scholarship search site, be sure to read the privacy policy to ensure you are using a site that will not sell your contact information. A recommended search site to use is www.kaarme.com. Oregon University System admissions and scholarship deadlines The OUS schools have their own priority deadline for admissions. This is also their university scholarship deadline. Don’t miss your opportunity to attend your top school choice and a chance to receive a scholarship. Eastern Oregon University: March 1 Oregon Institute of Technology: March 1 Oregon State University: Feb. 1 Portland State University: Feb. 1 Southern Oregon University: Feb. 15 University of Oregon: Jan. 15 Western Oregon University: Feb. 1 College Placement Testing off ered College Placement Testing is offered on-site at the Adult Education Building for Chemeketa Community College, Linn-Benton Community College and Mount Hood Community College. The Placement Test is one of the fi rst steps to beginning college classes. Call 503-879-2282 to sign up for your placement test. Monday and Wednesday 1-4 p.m. Adult Education Building GED Classroom EARN Your GED Now! Call Kevin Simmons today at 503-879-1345 2013 GED G RADUATES (Left to Right) Steve Holmes Sonja Haskins-Mack Darla Patterson Elena Eastwood Danny Clark Jr. Get an education, graduate and go to college. Then bring what you learned back to us and share it with your community. — Teresa Harvey LIBRARY HOURS: Monday – Friday: 9 A . M . – 6 P . M . (closed Monday - Friday: noon – 1 P . M .) Saturday: 10 A . M . – 2 P . M . Movie Time @ the Library: Movies will be shown through Decem- ber at 5:30 p.m. Youths age 12 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. The remaining schedule is: • Nov.18: “Legends of the Guardians” • Dec. 9: “Miracle on 34th Street” National American Indian Heritage Month: The library display will feature Native books and authors throughout November. Tribal Veterans DVD will play in the library Nov. 3-14 in recog- nition of Veterans Day on Tuesday, Nov. 11. Announcing: The Learning Express Library database is available for use on the library’s computers. The database is for young adult through adult learners. Features of Learning Express include: • Skill Building Centers for reading, writing and math for students and adults; • College & Career Centers including test preparation for a wide range of standardized tests; • High School Equivalency test prep including the GED test prep; • And much more! It is available in English and Spanish Donations: Many thanks to the following contributors to the library collection: Kathy Cawley, Denise Harvey, Eirik Thorsgard, Lewis Younger, Shawn Jones and Yvonne Robertson. We appreciate the great additions to the library. Reminder: Donated items must be clean and in good condition. Inter-Library loan services: The Tribal Library partners with Oregon State Library to offer “library to library” inter-library loan services. By completing the inter-library loan form, library patrons may request items from the Oregon State Library collection. Items will be couriered to and from the Tribal Library. OSL lending policies apply for return of items. Book review: “Delirium” by Lauren Oliver Lauren Oliver was raised in Westchester, N.Y. Her parents are both literature professors so Lauren has been making up stories for as long as she can remember. Oliver attended the University of Chicago for literature and phi- losophy and then New York University’s MFA program for creative writing. She worked at Penguin Books for a few years before leaving in 2009 to begin writing full-time. “Delirium” is the fi rst of a book series. It is about how the delirium (love) begins to infect Lena Haloway. In Lena’s society, love is seen as a disease. Everyone is forced to get a “cure” for this disease when they turn 18 and Lena is only a few months away from receiving her cure when she meets Alex. Lena doesn’t know that Alex is a member of the “Wilds,” a society that lives outside of the regulations and fences that Lena grew up knowing. Lena becomes torn between all the rules she knows about that will keep her safe and how she feels about Alex. Unfortunately, with her birthday looming, Lena may not get to fi gure those feelings out. I would recommend this book because it makes you think about what you would do if you lived in a society in which having a choice is not the norm. The story makes you wonder if someday we may live in a society like this. The story keeps the reader involved and makes you want to keep reading and not put the book down. I’m looking forward to reading the second book to fi nd out if Lena gets the “cure” or if she goes against the rules she grew up with and ends up fi nding her true path is with Alex and the Wilds. — Jade Colton