S MOKE S IGNALS OCTOBER 15, 2014 5 General Council briefed on Fish and Wildlife plan Increased sovereignty will mean longer hunting seasons By Dean Rhodes Smoke Signals editor In the near future, Tribal mem- bers will be able to hunt a week before and a week after other Or- egonians now that the state has approved the Grand Ronde Tribe’s Fish & Wildlife Management Plan, which gives the Tribe control over the take of fi sh and wildlife on Res- ervation and trust lands. “It took six years to get this plan through,” said Tribal Fish and Wildlife Program Manager Kelly Dirksen at the Sunday, Oct. 5, General Council meeting held in the Community Center. “This plan will give us and the Tribe incredible opportunities.” The Oregon Fish & Wildlife Com- mission unanimously approved the plan on Sept. 5, as well as an administrative rule giving the Tribe control over its own natural resources within the parameters outlined in the plan. For instance, the new administra- tive rule allows the taking of up to 200 Roosevelt elk annually, but the Tribe will exercise sovereignty over its lands by setting its own harvest limits that do not exceed those OK’d by the state. Natural Resources Department Manager Michael Wilson said that currently, Tribal members who are hunting with a Tribally issued tag are doing so under the auspices of the 1986 consent decree, which is controlled by the state. The consent decree established Tribal hunting, fi shing and gather- ing rights and set the Trask Wild- life Unit, north of the Reservation, Shasta Administrative Services is pleased to announce the launch of our new website which enables participant engagement, provider collaboration and improves efficiencies through tracking and reporting. Access to your benefit information is available 24/7. Kelly Dirksen, Tribal Fish and Wildlife Program manager, talks about the Tribe’s new Fish and Wildlife Management Plan during the General Council meeting held at the Tribal Community Center on Sunday, Oct. 5. as the area where Tribal member rights apply. “We get to issue the tags, but they still come from the state, which is their authority,” Wilson said. “As all Tribal members know, that is a bit of a problem because we, being a sovereign government as a Tribal organization, should have that sov- ereignty to manage our resources. … A big part of being a sovereign and taking care of those resources is having our own plan.” Dirksen said the plan has three tiers – ceded lands, the Trask Wildlife Unit and the Tribe’s Res- ervation and trust lands. Dirksen said the Tribe asked the state for infl uence on any wildlife ac- tivities that occur in the ceded lands and that the state recognize how any changes to hunting and fi shing regulations in the Trask unit will have a direct effect on the hunting and fi shing rights of Tribal members. The Tribe also asked for and re- ceived full management authority for 17 species on Reservation and trust lands, which will be separate from the consent decree and allow Welcome To Your New Shasta Website www.ShAStAtpA.coM All participants will need to register after August 1, 2014 to have access to the new website. Register at www.shastatpa.com. Nov. 17 and 18 Access your personal account page by registering here. Self-service features will allow participants to . . . v Access and print your ID Cards v View and print EOBs (Explanation of Benefits) v View benefit Information v View claims v View in-network provider listings v Download claim forms v Download forms and resources applicable to your plan v Submit questions through a secured messaging center/customer service online support v View customized FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about your Plan the Tribe to establish its own hunt- ing and fi shing seasons. Dirksen said the Tribe will man- age 17 different species, but imme- diately concentrate in 2015 on four – cutthroat trout, Roosevelt elk, black-tailed deer and Coho salmon. “These would provide the most immediate benefi t for the member- ship,” Dirksen said. Dirksen said the goal in manag- ing the four species is to gradually increase the take allowed by Tribal hunters. Once the Natural Resources De- partment creates them, the Tribe will issue hunting tags for Tribally determined hunting seasons, which will run a week earlier and later than those sanctioned by the state. “Our goal is to continue to expand that and provide the maximum opportunities for the Tribal mem- bership,” Dirksen said. Dirksen thanked Tribal Council for being “relentless” in supporting cre- ation and passage of the management plan, as well as for working on receiv- ing state approval. He also thanked the Tribe’s Legal Department for its many hours of hard work. “It is such an exciting time to work for the Tribe,” Dirksen said. “This is an opportunity that you dream of, to provide this oppor- tunity. I think we will have some exciting things to talk to you about in the future.” Tribal Council Vice Chair Jack CTGR Fish Distribution a We’re Here To Help Photo by Michelle Alaimo Giffen Jr. thanked the Natural Re- sources and Legal departments for their work on creating the plan and getting it approved by the state. “We possess the skills and have always had the skills to manage our own natural resources,” Giffen said. “This is a huge opportunity for the Tribe to get back some of its sover- eign rights. … It is a huge step in a much larger goal that the Tribe is after. Each one of these benchmarks that we get to is another huge step in recovering our sovereignty. This is monumental, but we’re not where we need to be yet.” Tribal Council member Cheryle A. Kennedy said the Fish & Wild- life Management Plan has been a long-term effort by numerous Trib- al Councils to regain the Tribe’s sovereignty lost when it was forced to sign the consent decree in 1986. “I believe that our ancestors are standing tall and proud to see the work that has been done,” she said. Tribal Council member Jon A. George said approval of the plan shows that “we do know how to take care of this land … it is a great testament to this Tribe.” Tribal Council Secretary Toby McClary called it a “huge accom- plishment” despite the oxymoron of the Tribe having to go to the state to seek approval to manage its own lands. “The Tribal membership should be very proud,” he said. In other action, the next Gen- eral Council meeting will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 2, in the Community Center. It will be held in executive session to discuss the proposed 2015 Tribal budget. Ida Paterson, Kaylene Barry and Isabelle Grout won the $50 door prizes and Lanae Payton won the $100 door prize. A pair of ear- rings and two necklaces created by George were raffl ed off. George, Tribal Land and Culture Department Manager Jan Looking Wolf Reibach and members of Trib- al Royalty opened the meeting with cultural drumming and singing. A video of the meeting can be watched at the Tribal website, www.grandronde.org, under the Video tab. n Member Registration Instructions 1. Go to www.shastatpa. com and click on Member Login. 2. Accept license agreement. 3. Input your Participant ID number (located on your Member ID Card) Natural Resources Department Fish Lab 47010 S.W. Hebo Road Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 503-879-2424 GRAND RONDE LIVING and ENROLLED TRIBAL MEMBERS Must show current photo I.D. Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014 – 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. If picking up for others, a signed release form will be required! No early or late pickup Fish will NOT be mailed If you have any questions please call the Natural Resources Department 503-879-2424. Elders will have a special line established to expediently fill their requests. To ensure this, only Elder orders will be filled using this line. Thank you for understanding and consideration of others.