2 S MOKE S IGNALS OCTOBER 15, 2014 NOTICE — Monthly Tribal Council Wednesday Meetings DATE TIME Wednesday, Oct. 22.............................................................................5 p.m. General Council meeting Please note that these times and dates are subject to change if needed. Sunday, Nov. 2 — 11 a.m. Tribal Council OKs capital contribution to casino Tribal Community Center By Dean Rhodes Smoke Signals editor Tribal Council approved a $302,060 capital contribution to Spirit Mountain Gaming Inc. to replace aging ticket redemp- tion machines in the casino at its Wednesday, Oct. 8, meeting. Spirit Mountain Casino General Manager Stan Dillon said at the Oct. 7 Legislative Action Commit- tee meeting that the machines are reaching their “end of life,” mean- ing manufacturers no longer make replacement parts and no longer support the software technology to operate them. “We need to upgrade them,” Dil- lon said. The advantages to the casino and Tribe, Dillon said, are the ticket re- demption machines make it easier for gaming customers to check out and it also reduces labor costs. “We don’t have to hire a lot of ca- shiers,” Dillon said. “They save us money as well as help guests cash out quickly and effi ciently.” “This was an unbudgeted item, but it was something that was needed,” Tribal Council Chairman Reyn Leno said, adding that the casino allocated $75,000 for the expense. In other action, Tribal Council: • Approved submitting the Tribe’s 2015 Indian Housing Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Native American Programs; • Appointed Sarah Ross to the Cul- tural Trust Board; • Appointed Tribal Council mem- ber Tonya Gleason-Shepek to the Chemawa Station LLC Board of Directors; • Appointed Tribal Council mem- ber Ed Pearsall to the Spirit Mountain Community Fund Board of Trustees; • And approved fi nal adoption of the emergency amendment to the Enrollment Ordinance that gives the Enrollment Committee fi nal say regarding involuntary loss of membership cases. Tribal Council member Jon A. George and Tribal employees Brian Krehbiel, Travis Mercier and Eirik Thorsgard performed the cultural drumming and singing to open the meeting. A video of the meeting can be viewed on the Tribal website, www. grandronde.org, under the Video tab. n Elders’ phone numbers wanted The Tribal Elders Committee is compiling a volunteer phone list of Elders. If you would like to submit your phone number and address to be available to other Elders, send it to elders.committee@grandronde.org or leave a message at 503-879-2231. n Tribal Offi ce Closures Tribal offi ces will be closed Tuesday, Nov. 11, in observance of Vet- erans Day. Smoke Signals PUBLICATIONS OFFICE 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 1-800-422-0232, FAX: 503-879-2173 Web site: www.grandronde.org/news E-mail: news@grandronde.org Twitter: CTGRgov Facebook: Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde SIOBHAN TAYLOR CHELSEA CLARK DEAN RHODES PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS/ PUBLICATIONS SECRETARY PUBLICATIONS COORDINATOR 503-879-1418 dean.rhodes@grandronde.org 503-879-1920 siobhan.taylor@grandronde.org 503-879-1463 chelsea.clark@grandronde.org GEORGE VALDEZ JUSTIN PHILLIPS RON KARTEN GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST PAGE DESIGNER STAFF WRITER 503-879-2190 503-879-4663 503-879-1416 justin.phillips@grandronde.org ron.karten@grandronde.org MICHELLE ALAIMO VALERIE COX SCARLETT HOLTZ PHOTOJOURNALIST CENTRAL PHONES 503-879-1961 503-879-1446 michelle.alaimo@grandronde.org valerie.cox@grandronde.org george.valdez@grandronde.org DEADLINE DATE CENTRAL PHONES 503-879-1447 scarlett.holtz@grandronde.org ISSUE DATE Monday, Oct. 20 ......................... Nov. 1 Wednesday, Nov. 5 .................... Nov. 15 Wednesday, Nov. 19 .....................Dec. 1 Editorial Policy SMOKE SIGNALS, a publication of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Com- munity of Oregon, is published twice a month. No portion of this publication may be reprinted without permission. Our editorial policy is intended to encourage input from Tribal members and readers about stories printed in the Tribal newspaper. However, all letters received must be signed by the author, an address must be given and a phone number or e-mail address must be included for verifi cation purposes. Full addresses and phone numbers will not be published unless requested. SMOKE SIGNALS reserves the right to edit letters and to refuse letters that are determined to contain libelous statements or personal attacks on individuals, staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. Not all letters are guaranteed publication upon submission. Letters to the editor are the opinions and views of the writer. Published letters do not necessarily refl ect the opinions of SMOKE SIGNALS, Tribal staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. Members of: n Native American Journalists Association n The Associated Press n Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association 2014-15 Tribal Council 1-800-422-0232 — tribalcouncil@grandronde.org n Reyn Leno Tribal Chairman — ext. 2399 n Denise Harvey — ext. 2353 reyn.leno@grandronde.org n Chris Mercier — ext. 1444 n Jack Giffen Jr. Tribal Vice Chair — ext. 2300 jack.giffen@grandronde.org Ad created by George Valdez denise.harvey@grandronde.org chris.mercier@grandronde.org n Cheryle A. Kennedy — ext. 2352 n Toby McClary Tribal Secretary — ext. 4555 cheryle.kennedy@grandronde.org toby.mcclary@grandronde.org tonya.gleason-shepek@grandronde.org n Ed Pearsall — ext. 2305 n Jon A. George — ext. 2355 ed.pearsall@grandronde.org jon.george@grandronde.org n Tonya Gleason-Shepek — ext. 1777