S moke S ignals october 1, 2014 ATTENTION If you are currently receiving or are in need of SNAP benefits, Social Services provides an Oregon Department of Human Services case- worker who comes to Grand Ronde twice monthly on Wednesdays. The caseworker may assist with applications, updates, child care, etc. If you are in need of services, call 503-879-2034 to schedule an appointment or you can reach Michelle Carmona at 503-879-4523. n Garden harvests a ton of food The Grand Ronde Community Garden has harvested more than a ton of food in its first year of operation, said Nutrition Program Manager Kristy DeLoe. As of Sept. 22, the garden had harvested 2,108 pounds, 8 ounces of food. More than 700 pounds of the food was donated to the Grand Ronde Food Bank. “I cannot thank the volunteers enough for all their hard work and dedi- cation on the project to make it the success it has been,” DeLoe said. “We want to thank Tribal Council and TERO for the support of this project. And, of course, all the departments that had a hand in making it a go again. This includes Maintenance, Housing, Land and Culture and the 477 program.” n Official Tribal Facebook pages • Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: www.facebook.com/CTGRgov • Grand Ronde Tribal Council: www.facebook.com/TheConfederatedTribesOfGrandRondeTribalCouncil • Grand Ronde Higher Education: www.facebook.com/grand.r.ed • Grand Ronde Youth Education: www.facebook.com/CTGRYouthEducation • Spirit Mountain Community Fund: www.facebook.com/SpiritMountainCommunityFund • Grand Ronde Station: www.facebook.com/GrandRondeStation • Grand Ronde Royalty: www.facebook.com/TheConfederatedTribesofGrandRondeRoyalty • Spirit Mountain Stampede: www.facebook.com/SpiritMountainStampede • Veterans Special Event Board: www.facebook.com/pages/Veterans-Board-of-the-Confederated-Tribes-of- the-Grand-Ronde-Community • Community Garden: www.facebook.com/GrandRondeCommunity- Garden Committee & Special Event Board meeting days and times Below is the most current information on the meeting days and times for Tribal Committees and Special Event Boards: • Ceremonial Hunt Board meets as needed. Chair: Marline Groshong. • Cultural Trust Board meets at 4 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Elders’ Activity Center. Chair: Perri McDaniel. • Culture Committee meets at 1 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at the Chachalu Museum & Cultural Center. Chair: Betty Bly. • Education Committee meets at 5:15 p.m. on the first Monday of the month in the Adult Education Building. Chair: Tammy Cook. • Elders’ Committee meets at 1 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month in the Elders’ Activity Center. Chair: Gladys Hobbs. • Enrollment Committee meets quarterly in Room 204 of the Governance Building. Chair: Robert Schmid. • Fish & Wildlife Committee meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at the Natural Resources building off Hebo Road. Chair: Harold Lyon. • Health Committee meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month in the Health & Wellness Center. Chair: Patti Tom-Martin. • Powwow Special Event Board meets TBA at the Community Center. Chair: Dana Ainam. • Rodeo Special Event Board meets at 6 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at the Rodeo Office. Chair: Harold Lyon. • Social Services Committee meets at 4 p.m. the second Monday of the month in the Social Services conference room. Chair: Jenny Sanchez. • Timber Committee meets at 5 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at the Natural Resources building off Hebo Road. Chair: Bob Mercier. • Veterans Special Event Board meets at 5 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month in the Community Center. Chair: Steve Bobb Sr. • Youth Council meets at 4 p.m. every Tuesday in the Youth Education Building. To update information on this list, contact Publications Coordinator Dean Rhodes at 503-879-1463 or dean.rhodes@grandronde.org. Tribal Council OKs Ackerson pump station By Dean Rhodes Smoke Signals editor Tribal Council approved a con- tract at its Wednesday, Sept. 24, meeting that will eventually end the Grand Ronde campus’ reliance on the local sewer district and save the Tribe money. The contract with Pacific Excava- tion of Sherwood, which is not to exceed $304,535, will install a new pump station at Ackerson Road. The new pump station will send all wastewater effluent from the Tribal campus to the family housing treat- ment plant. “The system will operate more ef- ficiently and be more cost effective, saving the Tribe money in the long run,” said Tribal Council member Toby McClary during the Sept. 23 Legislative Action Committee meeting. Tribal Engineer Jesse White said the project was budgeted for $400,000 in the 2014 budget. In other action, Tribal Council approved removing former Tribal Council members Kathleen Tom and June Sherer and adding new Tribal Council members Chris Mercier and Tonya Gleason-Shepek as signers for Tribal accounts and credit cards. Tribal Council also approved the enrollment of one infant into the Tribe and approved two voluntary relinquishments. Also, Tribal Council approved amendments to the Public Safety Ordinance that, among other things, transfers enforcement authority for public safety violations to the Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department, incorporates provisions for permit- ting concealed carrying of firearms on Tribal lands and establishes a process for obtaining restraining and protective orders. Tribal Attorney Rob Greene said at the Sept. 23 Legislative Action Committee meeting that no com- ments were received from Tribal members about the Public Safety Ordinance amendments. Tribal members Travis Stewart and Bobby Mercier led a group that performed the cultural drumming and singing to open the meeting. A video of the meeting can be viewed in its entirety at the Tribal website, www.grandronde.org, un- der the Video tab. Also included in the Sept. 24 Tribal Council packet were autho- rizations to proceed that: • Allowed the Tribe’s Natural Resource Department to accept a $25,250 Bureau of Indian Af- fairs Invasive Wildlife Program grant to conduct active mechani- cal treatment to reduce invasive species and protect the Nelson’s checker-mallow reserve on the Bode property; • Approved applying to the Na- tional Park Service for a $36,876 Maritime Heritage grant to cre- ate a canoe exhibit, which will include a carved canoe, carving tools, spears, nets, exhibit cabi- nets and panels. n Free online learning source The information includes: Everyday life Math and money Computer training Online classes Work and career information Check it out at www.gcflearnfree.org Community resources The Clothing Closet on the Tribal campus. • 10 a.m. to noon Monday. • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. Grand Ronde Food Bank, 9600 Hebo Road, Grand Ronde. • Contact: 541-921-2881. n ATTENTION TRIBAL MEMBERS COMMITTEE AND SPECIAL EVENT BOARD VACANCIES The following Committees and Special Event Boards have vacant positions. Social Services Committee 1 Vacancy Cultural Trust Board 1 Vacancy Powwow SEB 2 Vacancies Culture Committee 1 Vacancy Fish & Wildlife Committee 1 Vacancy Please send completed applications to Stacia Martin, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347.