6 S moke S ignals september 15, 2014 Leno elected to third year as Tribal Council chairman By Dean Rhodes Smoke Signals editor Tribal Council selected Reyn Leno as its chairman for the third year in a row at the Wednesday, Sept. 10, meeting. Leno, who was re-elected to Tribal Council for his seventh consecutive three-year term during the Sept. 6 Tribal election, received five votes while Tribal Council member Cheryle A. Kennedy, who has served previously as chair, received three votes. Tribal Council member Denise Har- vey nominated current Tribal Coun- cil Secretary Toby McClary for the chairmanship, but McClary declined the nomination. Harvey abstained in voting for a chair candidate. Jack Giffen Jr. remains in the po- sition of Tribal Council vice chair. In other action on Sept. 10, Tribal Council approved Land and Culture Department Manager Jan Looking Wolf Reibach to execute license agreements with area farmers for the 2015 harvest season and OK’d three engine/crew bosses in the Natural Resources Department to be issued Tribal credit cards. Tribal Council also appointed Ken- nedy as its representative to the Af- fi liated Tribes of Northwest Indians and the payment of $2,400 in annual dues to the organization. Also, Tribal Council approved the enrollment of 11 non-infants and four infants into the Tribe. The Sept. 10 meeting was the fi rst for newly elected Tribal Council members Chris Mercier and Tonya Gleason-Shepek. Tribal Council member Jon A. George and Jade Unger provided the cultural drumming and singing to open the meeting. The meeting can be viewed on the Tribal website, www.grandronde. org, under the Video tab. n Photos by Michelle Alaimo Ekias Sabin scoots across the pavement while playing in a box during the fi fth annual community barbecue. Having a bash On Friday, Sept. 5, the Tribe’s Youth Prevention Program held its fi fth annual Community Barbecue at the fi re pit in Tribal hous- ing. About 120 people attended the end-of-summer event. OHP re-application process In October 2013, the Oregon Health Plan sent out a one-page application to sign up for health benefi ts called “Fast Track.” Any recipient on SNAP (food stamps) received a Fast Track letter. All Or- egon Health Plan members who qualifi ed for coverage through Fast Track must re-apply within the fi rst year of coverage or risk losing their coverage. If it has not been a full year, you still need to re-apply to continue receiving health benefi ts. In July, the Oregon Health Authority began sending letters to Oregonians who received the Oregon Health Plan through Fast Track ex- plaining the re-application process. The Grand Ronde Health and Wellness Center Community Partners want to help Tribal and community members make sure they retain their health coverage. If you do not re-apply, you will lose your health benefi ts through the Oregon Health Plan. Please give us a call for information and assistance. Loretta Meneley, Cover Oregon Certifi ed Application Assister at 503-879-1359 Sydney West, Cover Oregon Certifi ed Application Assister at 503-879-2197 Or call 800-775-0095 and ask to speak with Loretta or Sydney. Christyan Ingram uses his sister Shaiyla Krebs’ head to write as he takes a survey during the fi fth annual Community Barbecue held in Tribal housing. COMING IN 2015 Grand Ronde Health and Wellness Center is excited to offer this new feature… Adult Foster Program The Patient Portal The Patient Portal is a convenient, secure, online tool available 24/7 that will help you: Request Medication Renewals Request Appointments Access Your Health Record And… Much More! Watch for details on how to register and access… The Patient Portal The Tribe’s Adult Foster Care lodges are committed to offering quality care to our Elders and helping them remain as independent as possible, while providing the personalized assistance they need. At our lodges, a wide range of services is available in a comfortable setting where privacy is respected and maximum independence is supported. For information, contact the Adult Foster Program Director at 503-879-1694. n