august 15, 2014 Bringing Back the Bow Brian Krehbiel, Tribal Cultural Outreach specialist, tests his mother Arlettia Krehbiel’s, bow stave to see if it needs more tailoring during Bringing Back the Bow camp held at Uyxat Powwow Grounds on Saturday, Aug. 9. S moke S ignals 5 Natalie Jackson and her grandson Jayce Jackson work together to file his bow stave during Bringing Back the Bow camp held at Uyxat Powwow Grounds on Saturday, Aug. 9. Justin Fasana uses an adz to shape his bow stave during Bringing Back the Bow camp held at Uyxat Powwow Grounds on Saturday, Aug. 9. Photos by Michelle Alaimo Sisters Andrea Leon and Arrianna LaChance sand their bow staves during Bringing Back the Bow camp at Uyxat Powwow Grounds on Saturday, Aug. 9. About 60 people attended the camp that also was held on Sunday, Aug. 10. It was the third year the camp was held in Grand Ronde and it was sponsored by the Tribe’s Youth Prevention program in conjunction with the Tribe’s Land and Culture Department and the nonprofit organization Bringing Back the Bow.