Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, August 01, 2014, Page 11, Image 11

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    S moke S ignals
august 1, 2014
oney events in the NPRA’
len, named Announcer of the Year
15 times by NPRA. He previously
has announced for the Stampede.
“It’s simple,” Allen said, introduc-
ing the bareback riding event, first
up on Sunday. “One hand, one man,
one horse.”
He encouraged the audience to
try the Long Bell Diner at Grand
Ronde Station. “Cheeseburgers as
big as your head and you don’t have
to go in debt to get one,” he said.
Tribal Elders and members at-
tending included Khani Schultz, De-
nise Harvey, Herman Hudson Jr.,
Joel Selwyn, Marion Mercier, Louise
Coulsen, Violet Folden and Gladys
Hobbs, among many others.
Schultz took photographs again
and, as is her practice, she gave
them to Lyon after the show. Sel-
wyn also photographed the event,
intending to put his best ones up on
his Facebook page.
Although no Tribal members
participated in the adult competi-
tions, Amaryssa Mooney won the
Kids Ring Toss, where children
competed to get a big ring over the
head of a running calf.
Long before cowboy rodeos, Indi-
ans had competitions with horses.
“Horses were synonymous with
Indians going back to early times,”
said Lyon. “In the beginning for
Indian Tribes, a lot of their wealth
depended on how many horses they
had. They used these horses for
war, transportation, everything.
They had games of endurance and
others where they would ride with
lances and spears, not at each
other, but at dummies. Mostly, the
games were warlike.”
The $2,000 Stampede Series
all-around awards went to B.J.
Campbell (male) and Jade Cross-
ley (female), and the winner of the
Merle Holmes Memorial Trophy
went to stock provider Howell Ro-
deo Co. because no riders qualified
in the bull riding event.
“The bulls won,” Jim Holmes
said. n
Justin Chappell competes in the saddle bronc competition during the 2014
Spirit Mountain Stampede held at Spirit Mountain Rodeo Grounds on
Sunday, July 20.
Photos by Michelle Alaimo
B.J. Campbell attempts to rope a calf as he competes in the tie-down roping event during the 2014 Spirit Mountain Stampede held at Spirit Mountain Rodeo
Grounds on Sunday, July 20. Campbell won the Stampede Series all-around award.