Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, July 15, 2014, Page 16, Image 16

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S moke S ignals
july 15, 2014
Strengthening Wounded Survivors
Our community healing, building on our strength.
Our circle invites the community to join in healing current or
past trauma.
Our goals of the eight-week course involve processing and for-
giving violence that has personally happened to us. Past hurts to
current abusive relationships … we encourage all people to come
and join together in healing.
Following White Bison, Mending Broken Hearts curriculum, we
hope to use traditional methods of healing for Native communities.
We know our community carries strong values and beliefs that aid
in our healing from the multigenerational trauma we have experi-
enced up until current-day hurts.
Generally, domestic violence is a pattern of behavior, including
physical violence or sexual violence, by an intimate current or
former partner. It is seen in male/female and same-sex partner
Domestic violence takes many forms and includes a range of ac-
tions intended to control: isolation, intimidation, using children,
emotional abuse, economic abuse, coercion and threats, minimiz-
ing, denying and blaming, cultural abuse, ritual abuse, sexism and
sexual abuse.
Sexual violence takes many forms as well but all acts are intended
to control the survivor without their consent or their ability to give
Join us and take an eight-week journey as we discuss completing
relationships and completing trauma that has not been resolved.
Location: Grand Ronde Housing Authority,
28450 Tyee Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347
Dates: Aug. 13 thru Oct. 1 (each Wednesday evening)
Times: 5:30-7 p.m.
Ages: 18+ (male or female trauma survivors)
For questions or comments, contact Anne Falla, offi ce
503-879-1660 or 24 hours 971-832-0730.
Adult Members’ Trust and Minors’
Custodial & Rabbi Trust Funds
Investments in the Adult Members’ Trust Fund and the Minors’ Cus-
todial and Rabbi Trust Funds are updated each business day.
If you are a trust participant and/or if you are the parent/guardian
of a minor member, you can access and review your balance and your
minor child’s balance by visiting
To log-in, the initial User ID is your (or your child’s) Social Security
number, and the initial Password is “00” followed by your (or your
child’s) membership number. Once logged in, you can customize your
User ID and password for security purposes.
If you have any trouble logging in to or using the system, contact
the 401Save Call Center at 1-888-700-0808 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Pacifi c Time, Monday through Friday. n
Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention
Program development update
During the course of my last three months, I’ve asked the people
of Grand Ronde what they want of my position and I have tried to
gather a clearer picture of the community need. With all of the input
I have gathered I know that the need is great, but I am encouraged
that people seem ready to heal, to be honest, to come forward and to
live more healthy lives.
With that stated, we have a core group of community members
who want to volunteer, support and be there for the survivors com-
ing forward. I love this enthusiasm, but I want volunteers within
this program to be educated on advocacy, confi dentiality and the
basics of domestic and sexual violence before I let them, graduate
into volunteer advocates.
We’ve decided to host a one-hour training session each Monday
and Wednesday from noon-1 p.m. in the Adult Education building
in Room 124. They understand they are a small group of volunteers,
just 15 strong, so they’ve agreed to invite the community into our
trainings. The more the merrier (we’ve joked), but the more educated
our community is the better we all understand healthy versus un-
healthy versus abuse.
The schedule (30 hours of advocacy volunteer training)
Aug. 4 to Nov. 19 (no meeting Sept. 1)
Week 1 topic: Volunteerism and basic advocacy
Week 2 topic: Oppression, Sexism, Racism, etc.
Week 3 topic: Domestic Violence 101
Week 4 topic: Sexual Assault 101
Week 5 topic: Children and Youth and Violence
Week 6 topic: Stalking and Human Traffi cking
Week 7 topic: Safety planning, Crisis Line techniques, vicarious
trauma, self care
Week 8 topic: Historical trauma, what it means to be trauma in-
Week 9 topic: Legal stuff (Crime Victim’s Rights, Restraining Or-
ders, Address Confi dentiality, etc.)
Week 10 topic: Domestic Violence Awareness Month Community
Week 11 topic: Ethics, Boundaries, Lethality Assessment Pro-
Week 12 topic: Elder abuse, people with disabilities, LGBTQ cli-
Week 13 topic: Local resources- shelter/food banks/etc
Week 14 topic: (open to volunteers to decide what they want more
training on)
Week 15 topic: Graduation, celebration
We hope to see you there! (If big groups or certain departments
decide to send bulk groups- please let me know in advance)
Anne Falla
Domestic Violence Program coordinator
CTGR Higher Education
Program deadlines set
There are now only two Higher Education programs depending on whether
you are full-time or part-time. The deadline for the Full-Time College pro-
gram is at least 30 days before the start of classes. The deadline for the
Part-Time College program is at least 10 days before the start of class.
Visit the Tribal website for more program information and an application. n
WHEN: Thursday, July 17
LEAVING Youth Education by 9:45AM
RETURNING to Youth Education by 3:00PM
Visit Salem Phagan Beauty school, audit a
class, visit a real life salon
CONTACT Kendra Steele for permission
slips and sign ups;
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