12 S moke S ignals july 15, 2014 201-15 Tribal hunti The Fish & Wildlife Department will hold its annual tag drawing for Deer, Elk, Bear and all Control/Damage tags on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, at 5 p.m. at the Natural Resources facility, 47010 S.W. Hebo Road, Grand Ronde. APPLICATION RULES: • Tribal hunting licenses are required before submitting applications with the exception that Tribal members 11 years of age may ap- ply. However, they must turn 12 and have their Hunter Safety Certificate submitted to the Natural Resources Department 5 days prior to the start of that hunt. Under no circumstances will a tag be issued with- out the Hunter Safety Certificate being on file. If a license is not obtained before the submitted application, all applications will be voided. • Incomplete or duplicate applications will be voided. • Tribal members 17 and under must possess a valid Hunter Safety Certificate. TRIBAL LICENSES are issued at the Natural Resources Department. Please call ahead of time to schedule an appointment to obtain your license. Tribal Enrollment Cards and Hunter Safety Cer- tificates, for youth 17 and under, are required at the time of licensing. ONLY ONE APPLICATION PER CAT- EGORY! Multiple applications will result in ALL APPLICATIONS being invalid for that hunter. Categories are as follows: • BEAR • ELK (BOW, 1ST Season, 2ND Season) o Elk Applicants: Bow tag applicants also may apply for either a 1st or 2nd season elk tag. o DO NOT APPLY FOR BOTH 1st and 2nd season, or all applications will be voided. o Bow Applicants: If you are drawn for a bow tag you will no longer be eligible for a 1st or 2nd season tag. • CONTROL/DAMAGE ELK: o You must write the NAME of the hunt you are applying for on your application where it asks for HUNT NAME. (Example: Wind River, West Trask, Pike, etc.) • CONTROL/DAMAGE DOE: Any licensed Tribal member may apply. • YOUTH CONTROL/DAMAGE DEER: Any licensed Tribal member between the ages of 12-17 may apply. YOUTH MUST BE AC- COMPANIED BY AN ADULT AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, July 18, 2014, at 5 p.m. Applications may be mailed, faxed or hand- delivered to one of the following: Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde 47010 S.W. Hebo Road P. O. Box 10 Grand Ronde, OR 97347 503-879-2424 Fax: 503-879-5622 2014-2015 HUNTING SEASON SEASONS BEAR COAST BUCK: NO APPLICATION CONTROL DAMAGE DOE MUZZLELOADER DEER BOW DEER BOW ELK - (Bull Only) YOUTH ANTLERLESS ELK YOUTH C/D DEER 1st Season (Bull Only) 2nd Season (Spike Only) NE TRASK MUZZLELOADER ELK TRASK UNIT WEST TRASK WIND RIVER BEAVER CREEK PIKE NE TRASK #1 NE TRASK #2 PANTHER CREEK OPEN DAY LAST DAY 8/1/2014 12/31/2014 10/4/2014 11/7/2014 10/25/2014 11/7/2014 11/8/2014 11/21/2014 BOW SEASON 8/30/2014 9/28/2014 8/30/2014 9/28/2014 YOUTH HUNTS 8/1/2014 12/31/2014 10/4/2014 11/9/2014 COAST BULL ELK 11/15/2014 11/18/2014 11/22/2014 11/28/2014 CONTROL DAMAGE ELK 12/18/2014 12/31/2014 12/1/2014 3/15/2015 12/1/2014 3/15/2015 12/1/2014 3/31/2015 12/1/2014 3/31/2015 12/1/2014 3/31/2015 1/1/2015 3/31/2015 2/1/2015 3/31/2015 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 CONTROL / DAMAGE ELK 7/25/2014 N/A 10/17/2014 10/31/2014 1/10/2015 11/17/2014 11/17/2014 12/1/2014 8/22/2014 8/22/2014 10/8/2014 10/8/2014 7/25/2014 9/25/2014 1/10/2015 11/19/2014 11/7/2014 11/14/2014 11/28/2014 12/8/2014 12/12/2014 11/14/2014 11/14/2014 11/14/2014 11/14/2014 11/14/2014 12/19/2014 1/25/2015 12/19/2014 1/10/2015 3/25/2015 3/25/2015 4/10/2015 4/10/2015 4/10/2015 4/10/2015 4/10/2015 2/10/2015 BEAR AUG. 1 HUNT: HUNT: HUNT: HUNT: NAME: NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: - DEC. 31, 2014 CITY: STATE: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ROLL #: ZIP: ROLL #: PHONE: ( ) PHONE: EMAIL: ( ) EMAIL: As As the the person person who who is is obtaining obtaining this this Tribal Tribal Hunting Hunting tag, tag, I I As As the the person person who who is is obtaining obtaining this this that Tribal Tribal Hunting tag, tag, I I declare declare under under the the penalty penalty of of perjury perjury that to to Hunting the the best best of of my my declare declare under under the the penalty penalty of of perjury perjury that that to to the the best best of of my my knowledge knowledge the the information information provided provided in in obtaining obtaining this this tag tag is is knowledge knowledge the the information information provided provided in in obtaining obtaining this this tag tag is is true true ad ad correct, correct, and and that that I I am am qualified qualified under under all all applicable applicable true true ad ad correct, correct, and and that that I am I am qualified qualified under under all all applicable laws laws and and statutes statutes to to possess possess this this tag tag and and carry carry a a applicable weapon weapon for for laws laws and and statutes statutes to to possess possess this this tag and and carry carry a a weapon weapon for for the the potential potential harvest harvest of of a tag a game game animal. animal. the the potential potential harvest harvest of of a a game game animal. animal. By By checking checking this this box box I I acknowledge acknowledge I I have have read read the the By By checking checking this this box box I acknowledge I acknowledge I I have have read read the the foregoing foregoing statement statement and and agree agree with with its its terms. terms. I I have have read read foregoing foregoing statement statement and and agree agree with with its its terms. terms. I I have have read read and and understand understand the the rules rules and and regulations regulations of of the the State State of of and and understand understand the the rules rules and and regulations regulations of of the the State State of of Oregon, Oregon, the the Confederated Confederated Tribes Tribes of of Grand Grand Ronde, Ronde, and and and the the the Oregon, Oregon, the the Confederated Confederated Tribes Tribes of of Grand Grand Ronde, Ronde, and the federal federal government. government. federal federal government. government. As As the the person person who who is is obtaining obtaining this this Tribal Tribal Hunting Hunting tag, tag, I I As As the the person person who who is is obtaining obtaining this this that Tribal tag, I declare declare under under the the penalty penalty of of perjury perjury that to to Hunting the the best best of of my my declare declare under under the the penalty penalty of of perjury perjury in that that to the best of my my knowledge knowledge the the information information provided provided in obtaining obtaining this this tag tag is is knowledge knowledge the the information information provided provided in in obtaining this tag is is true true ad ad correct, correct, and and that that I I am am qualified qualified under under all all applicable applicable true true and ad ad correct, correct, and and that that I I am am qualified qualified under all applicable laws laws and statutes statutes to to possess possess this this tag tag and and carry carry a a applicable weapon weapon for for laws laws and and statutes statutes to to possess possess this this tag tag and and carry a weapon for for the the potential potential harvest harvest of of a a game game animal. animal. the the potential potential harvest harvest of of a a game game animal. By By checking checking this this box box I I acknowledge acknowledge I I have have read read the the By By checking checking this this box box I I acknowledge acknowledge I I have have read the foregoing foregoing statement statement and and agree agree with with its its terms. terms. I I have have read read foregoing foregoing statement statement and and agree agree with with its its terms. I have read and and understand understand the the rules rules and and regulations regulations of of the the State State of of and and understand understand the the rules rules and and regulations regulations of the State of Oregon, Oregon, the the the Confederated Confederated Confederated Tribes Tribes Tribes of of of Grand Grand Grand Ronde, Ronde, Ronde, and and and the the the Oregon, Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of Grand federal federal government. government. government. federal federal government. 1ST SEASON ELK BULL ONLY NOV. 15 - NOV 18, 2ND SEASON ELK SPIKE ONLY 2014 NOV. 22 - NOV. 28, NAME: NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 2014 CITY: STATE: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ROLL #: ZIP: ROLL #: PHONE: ( ) EMAIL: All tags will be available for issue on Monday, July 28, 2014, beginning at 8 a.m. The only excep- tion is Bear and Youth Antlerless, these will be available on July 25, 2014. A Grand Ronde Tribal Hunting and Fishing License will be required to be shown at time of tag pickup. No exceptions. If picking up for others, please notify Natural Resources prior to pick up. DEADLINES Last Day to Last Day to PICK UP REPORT TAG ACTIVITIES (kill (if Drawn) or not) PHONE: ( ) EMAIL: As As the the person person who who is is obtaining obtaining this this Tribal Tribal Hunting Hunting tag, tag, I I declare declare under the the penalty penalty of of perjury perjury that that to to Hunting the the best best tag, of of my my As As the the under person person who who is is obtaining obtaining this this Tribal Tribal Hunting tag, I I knowledge knowledge the the information information provided provided in obtaining obtaining this this of tag tag is is declare declare under under the the penalty penalty of of perjury perjury in that that to to the the best best of my my true true ad ad correct, correct, and and that that I am I provided am qualified qualified under all all applicable applicable knowledge knowledge the the information information provided in in under obtaining obtaining this this tag tag is is laws laws and and statutes statutes to to possess possess this this tag tag and and carry carry a a weapon weapon for for true true ad ad correct, correct, and and that that I I am am qualified qualified under under all all applicable applicable the the potential potential harvest harvest of of a a game game animal. animal. As As the the person person who who is is obtaining obtaining this this Tribal Hunting tag, I declare declare under the the penalty penalty of of perjury perjury that to Hunting the best tag, of my my As As the the under person person who who is is obtaining obtaining this this that Tribal Tribal Hunting tag, I I knowledge knowledge the the the information information provided provided in obtaining this of tag is is declare declare under under the penalty penalty of of perjury perjury in that that to to the the best best of my my true true ad ad correct, correct, and and that that I I am am qualified qualified under all applicable applicable knowledge knowledge the the information information provided provided in in obtaining obtaining this this tag tag is is laws laws and and statutes statutes to to possess possess this this tag tag and and carry a weapon for for true true ad ad correct, correct, and and that that I I am am qualified qualified under under all all applicable applicable the the potential potential harvest harvest of of a a game game animal. By By checking checking this this box box I acknowledge I acknowledge I game have have animal. read read the the the the potential potential harvest harvest of of a a I game animal. foregoing foregoing statement statement and and agree agree with with its its terms. terms. I I have have read read By By checking checking this this box box I I acknowledge acknowledge I I have have read read the the of and and understand understand the the rules rules and and regulations regulations of of the the State State of foregoing foregoing statement statement and and agree agree with with its terms. terms. I I have have read read Oregon, Oregon, the the Confederated Confederated Tribes Tribes of of its Grand Grand Ronde, Ronde, and and the the and and understand understand the the rules rules and and regulations regulations of of the the State State of of federal federal government. government. By By checking checking this this box box I I acknowledge acknowledge have have animal. read the the the potential potential harvest harvest of of a a I I game game animal. foregoing foregoing statement statement and and agree agree with with its its terms. I have read By By checking checking this this box box I I acknowledge acknowledge I I have have read read the the of and and understand understand the the rules rules and and regulations regulations of the State foregoing foregoing statement statement and and agree agree with with its terms. terms. I I have have read read Oregon, Oregon, the the Confederated Confederated Tribes Tribes of of its Grand Grand Ronde, and the and and understand understand the the rules rules and and regulations regulations of of the the State State of of federal federal government. government. laws laws and and statutes statutes to to possess possess this this tag tag and and carry carry a a weapon weapon for for Oregon, Oregon, the the Confederated Confederated Tribes Tribes of of Grand Grand Ronde, Ronde, and and the the federal federal government. government. laws laws and and statutes statutes to to possess possess this this tag tag and and carry carry a a weapon weapon for for Oregon, Oregon, the the Confederated Confederated Tribes Tribes of of Grand Grand Ronde, Ronde, and and the the federal federal government. government.