S moke S ignals june 15, 2014 Tribal youth, from front, Promise Rimer, Mataya Holmes, Miguel Adams, True Rimer and Kailiyah Krehbiel all took a turn being skipper of ulxayu during Canoe Camp at Detroit Lake on Saturday, May 31. Stankiya drifts with the sail up during Canoe Camp at Detroit Lake on Saturday, May 31. Conditions on the lake gave the Canoe Family an opportunity to use the sail. Journey prep On Sunday, June 22, the Grand Ronde Canoe Family is planning to leave Grand Ronde on this year’s Canoe Journey. They will drive to Victoria, British Columbia, and begin paddling the approximately 450 miles to Bella Bella, on the east coast of Campbell Island, for the Qatuwas (people gathering together) Festival. They will participate in Landing Day on July 13, then protocol ceremonies that will take place through July 19. The entire journey — driving to Victoria through the end of proto- col — will last about a month. This year’s route is longer and more remote than pre- vious journey’s, which makes logistics of it diffi cult for the typical 130 people to take part, so only about 30 people are participating this year. For this reason, a Canoe Camp was held at Detroit Lake on Friday, May 30, to Sunday, June 1. Throughout the weekend, 90 people attended the camp that included camping and paddling op- portunities for those who are unable to go on this year’s journey. Lyjah Murray, 2, left, watches as his cousin Aleena Leno, 5, makes a water balloon during Canoe Camp at Detroit Lake on Saturday, May 31. Tessa Simmons, front, and Kailiyah Krehbiel take a break from paddling and playing in the water and rest in ulxayu during Canoe Camp at Detroit Lake on Saturday, May 31. Heyaza Brien takes part in a paddle in Stankiya during Canoe Camp at Detroit Lake on Saturday, May 31. Photos by Michelle Alaimo 7