S moke S ignals june 15, 2014 ATTENTION If you are currently receiving or are in need of SNAP benefits, Social Services provides an Oregon Department of Human Services caseworker who comes to Grand Ronde twice monthly on Wednes- days. The caseworker may assist with applications, updates, child care, etc. If you are in need of services, call 503-879-2034 to schedule an appointment or you can reach Michelle Carmona at 503-879- 4523. n Community Garden slates opening The Grand Ronde Community Garden – tilixam taska tenes-tush-ill?i (“The People’s Garden”) – will hold a grand opening from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday, June 27. Light refreshments will be served. People are invited to see how the garden is doing and is planned at the site. The garden is off Grand Ronde Road at Second Street. n Official Tribal Facebook pages • Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: www.facebook.com/CTGRgov • Grand Ronde Tribal Council: www.facebook.com/TheConfederatedTribesOfGrandRondeTribalCouncil • Grand Ronde Higher Education: www.facebook.com/grand.r.ed • Grand Ronde Youth Education: www.facebook.com/CTGRYouthEducation • Spirit Mountain Community Fund: www.facebook.com/SpiritMountainCommunityFund • Grand Ronde Station: www.facebook.com/GrandRondeStation • Grand Ronde Royalty: www.facebook.com/TheConfederatedTribesofGrandRondeRoyalty • Spirit Mountain Stampede: www.facebook.com/SpiritMountainStampede • Veterans Special Event Board: www.facebook.com/pages/Veterans-Board-of-the-Confederated-Tribes-of- the-Grand-Ronde-Community • Community Garden: www.facebook.com/GrandRondeCommunity- Garden Committee & Special Event Board meeting days and times Below is the most current information on the meeting days and times for Tribal Committees and Special Event Boards: • Ceremonial Hunt Board meets as needed. Chair: Marline Groshong. • Cultural Trust Board meets at 4 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Elders’ Activity Center. Chair: Perri McDaniel. • Culture Committee meets at 1 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at the Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center. Chair: Betty Bly. • Education Committee meets at 5:15 p.m. on the first Monday of the month in the Adult Education Building. Chair: Tammy Cook. • Elders’ Committee meets at 1 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month in the Elders’ Activity Center. Chair: Gladys Hobbs. • Enrollment Committee meets quarterly in Room 204 of the Governance Building. Chair: Robert Schmid. • Fish & Wildlife Committee meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at the Natural Resources building off Hebo Road. Chair: Harold Lyon. • Health Committee meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month in the Health & Wellness Center. Chair: Patti Tom-Martin. • Powwow Special Event Board meets TBA at the Community Center. Chair: Dana Ainam. • Rodeo Special Event Board meets at 6 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at the Rodeo Office. Chair: Harold Lyon. • Social Services Committee meets at 4 p.m. the second Monday of the month in the Social Services conference room. Chair: Jenny Sanchez. • Timber Committee meets at 5 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at the Natural Resources building off Hebo Road. Chair: Bob Mercier. • Veterans Special Event Board meets at 5 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month in the Community Center. Chair: Steve Bobb Sr. • Youth Council meets at 4 p.m. every Tuesday in the Youth Education Building. To update information on this list, contact Publications Coordinator Dean Rhodes at 503-879-1463 or dean.rhodes@grandronde.org. Tribal Council appoints interim chief judge By Dean Rhodes Smoke Signals editor Tribal Council voted 4-3 on Wednesday, May 28, to hire Da- vid Shaw as interim chief judge of Tribal Court for a term not to exceed six months. Shaw will succeed Suzanne Ojib- way Townsend, who has been Tribal Court chief judge since 2006 and an- nounced her desire to retire at the end of her current two-year contract. Shaw owns Shaw Law Group in Portland. His online resume states that he has a national reputation for his expertise in business de- velopment with Tribes and Native organizations. He has been a speaker on econom- ic development in Indian Country before the American Bar Associa- tion, Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, Northwest Tribal Lending Institutions Association and Na- tional Indian Gaming Association. He also is a former Court of Ap- peals judge for Grand Ronde and serves on the Executive Committee for the Indian Law Section of the Oregon State Bar. He also was an in-house counsel for the Confeder- ated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington state. Shaw is a graduate of the Univer- sity of Oregon and the University of Washington School of Law. In other action, Tribal Council: • Re-appointed Steven Holmes and Janel Lara to the Powwow Special Event Board; • Appointed Bob Duncan to the Rodeo Special Event Board; • Re-appointed Carol Gleason and Tonya Gleason-Shepek to the Social Services Committee; • Appointed Michael Lane and Raymond Petite to the Veterans Spe- cial Event Board; • Approved David Shaw Baird Venture Partners IV Special Affiliates Limited Partnership agreements, which will add a new asset class to Tribal endowments, according to Tribal Economic Development Director Titu Asghar; • Ratified the Tribe’s application to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Tribal Homeland Se- curity Grant Program funding. If received, the 24-month project would include wages and benefits for the emergency coordinator to work on the project, a command vehicle, a towable emergency gen- erator, radio equipment, training and disaster event exercises, emergency supplies, storage con- tainers and other related equip- ment and supplies; • Approved the enrollment of four new Tribal members – three in- fants and one minor; • And approved the voluntary re- linquishment of membership for one Tribal member who decided to join his father’s Tribe. Tribal Council member Jon A. George and Tribal members Jan Looking Wolf Reibach, Eirik Thors- gard and Brian Krehbiel performed the cultural drumming and singing to open the meeting. n Community resources The Clothing Closet on the Tribal campus. • 10 a.m. to noon Monday. • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. Grand Ronde Food Bank, 9600 Hebo Road, Grand Ronde. • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, June 6. • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, June 20. • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, June 27. • Contact: 541-921-2881. n Tourney seeking players 50 or older The Pacific Northwest Masters Basketball Tournament will be held Monday, July 28, through Friday, Aug. 1, in the Eugene area and will be the first pre- mier competitive Masters Hoops tournament on the West Coast for players 50 and older. Organizers are seeking participation from Native American teams. For more information, check out www.EugeneCascadesCoast.com/pacnw-mas- ters on the Internet or visit the Facebook page Pacific NorthWest Masters Basketball. Also, you can contact ahering99@gmail.com. n ATTENTION TRIBAL MEMBERS COMMITTEE AND SPECIAL EVENT BOARD VACANCIES The following Committees and Special Event Boards have vacant positions. Social Services Committee 1 Vacancy Timber Committee 1 Vacancy Cultural Trust Board 4 Vacancies Powwow SEB 2 Vacancies Please send completed applications to Stacia Martin, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347.