S moke S ignals june 15, 2014 Letters Dear Smoke Signals: This letter is for the future generations. Know your rights! The following examples of events are true, so for you the reader of this letter will be placed as though the actual events happened to you. Example one: You have worked for the casino for four years. You have been given an opportunity to work elsewhere upon the performance and discovery of your work ethics. You have taken the proper steps with your current employer to pursue employment elsewhere. Now, one day you’re on break, talking with friends, co-workers, and another co-worker who wasn’t among the group you were talking with thinks they happen to overhear something that they think Human Re- sources should know. HR sets up an appointment to discuss the conversation the co-worker overheard. HR has taken it upon themselves to ban you from the casino property for life. Wrong. Example two: You’re a patient of the clinic in Grand Ronde. You receive a letter from the clinic that states a breach of your protected health infor- mation, name, date of birth, phone number, Social Security number and medical record number has occurred. Your personal information was in a file that had been left in a storage unit on campus. This unit was delivered to another Tribal office. Wrong. Do you think your civil rights have been violated concerning these two actual events? Yes, they have! Know your rights, know your civil rights. If you think you have been a victim, exercise your rights! Know your rights!!!! Au-ho. Sonya L. Connelly Roll #2327 1 Adult Members’ Trust and Minors’ Custodial & Rabbi Trust Funds Investments in the Adult Members’ Trust Fund and the Minors’ Cus- todial and Rabbi Trust Funds are updated each business day. If you are a trust participant and/or if you are the parent/guardian of a minor member, you can access and review your balance and your minor child’s balance by visiting www.401Save.com. To log-in, the initial User ID is your (or your child’s) Social Security number, and the initial Password is “00” followed by your (or your child’s) membership number. Once logged in, you can customize your User ID and password for security purposes. If you have any trouble logging in to or using the system, contact the 401Save Call Center at 1-888-700-0808 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. n Elder Bingo moved Elder Bingo will be held at 12:30 p.m. the second and fourth Saturday of the month at the Elders’ Activity Center. For more information, contact Elder Activity Assistant Daniel Ham at 503-879-2233. n ADVANCED SECURITY, INC. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ARMED POSITIONS AT THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF GRAND RONDE Dear Smoke Signals; The Community Garden would like to extend a huge thank you to Val Alexander and Coyote Ridge Ranch from La Center, Wash., for her huge donation of plants: 18 poblano chilies, 49 tomatoes (variety), two types of potatoes, 12 Tuscan kale, 12 cabbage, 28 eggplant and one phaecelia. Kristy DeLoe Nutrition Program manager General Hiring Guidelines: All applicants must meet the following basic requirements in order to apply. Must be 21 years of age or older to work armed. Must have a high school diploma or GED Must have a valid state driver's license or be able to obtain one within 30 days of employment Must not have any misdemeanor or felony convictions Must be able to work nights, weekends and holidays In most cases, must have reliable transportation We prefer to hire currently certified security officers however; we can provide the necessary DPSST training. Family Night Out set for June 19 The 10th annual Family Night Out will be held from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 19, on the Grand Ronde Tribal campus. The free event will include food and fun. There will be a fishing booth and cake walk, as well as inflatable rides and a zip line. There also will be family games and prizes. For more information, call 503-879-2034. n Prospective Security Officers must submit a standard application packet and resume in order to be considered for employment. Application Packet can be obtained at Tribal Security office located at modular #1 (formerly Social Services Department) or downloaded from our website at advancedsecurityinc.com. Contact: Sgt. Juan J. Sifuentez Office: 503-879-2478 Mobile: 971-241-6829 Juan.sifuentez@grandronde.org Ad created by George Valdez