14 S moke S ignals june 1, 2014 Royal carwash Is it really happening already? Where did the time go? There are no words to describe how truly honored and blessed we all are to have seen you grow into such a beautiful, thoughtful and kindhearted person, Kiana Brooke! You’re a shining star and we couldn’t be more proud! Congrats, we love you very much! Photo by Ron Karten Kiana Leno Kallie Provost, left, and Iyana Holmes washed cars on Friday, May 1, to raise money for Tribal Royalty travel expenses and other projects. Kallie is running for Senior Miss Grand Ronde for 2014-15 and Iyana is Junior Miss Grand Ronde for 2013-14. Also washing cars was Kaleigha Simi, 2013-14 Little Miss Grand Ronde. The event raised $190. Veterans invited to WWII Memorial dedication World War II veterans are invited to the dedication of the Oregon World War II Memorial on the west end of the State Capitol grounds in Salem at 1:30 p.m. Friday, June 6. Tribal Veterans Special Event Board Chairman Steve Bobb Sr. suggests that people attending the event arrive early. “We are also sending a personal invite to the ones we have the names of,” Bobb said about Tribal World War II veterans who are still alive. n Much Love from Your Family ~ Firewood Permits Attention firewood permit holders! According to the National Inter- agency Fire Center, Oregon is expected to have an “above normal fire potential” beginning in June. With this forecast and an abundance of fuel wood available, we are encouraging valid permit holders to fill the issued permits as soon as reasonably possible to avoid a closure due to fire season. For questions or to obtain a firewood permit, contact Natural Resources at 503-879-2424 or visit www.grandronde.org/departments/ natural-resources/. As a reminder, firewood permits are issued to all Grand Ronde Tribal members for personal use and may not exceed five cords in a calendar year. n Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center Chachalu Phase I Opening June 5 th Tribal Headquarters Highway 22 Grand Ronde Road 4 to 4:45 p.m. Ceremony at Chachalu (outside weather permitting) 1. Opening prayer 2. Drum song 3. chinuk wawa song by the preschool and K-2 classes 4. Welcome 5. Tribal Council remarks 6. Chachalu operations 7. Recognitions 8. Education Summer Kick-off Announcements 4:45 to 6:30 p.m. Walkthrough of facility, including exhibit space and program staff in each area presenting operations Light refreshments provided Please RSVP to landandculture@grandronde.org or Chelsea Clark at 503-879-1418 Highway 18