Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, May 15, 2014, Page 23, Image 23

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    S moke S ignals
may 15, 2014
Looking for scholarships?
There are numerous scholarship opportunities offered for students to apply to
each year. The majority of scholarships for fall term/semester are due between
January and April of each year. Don’t miss your chance to apply for free money
for college. The Tribal Higher Education programs are here to assist you in
your application process. You also can utilize a scholarship search engine to
help locate scholarships. If you use a scholarship search site, be sure to read
the privacy policy to ensure you are using a site that will not sell your contact
information. A recommended search site to use is n
Workshop facilitators for micro-
enterprise business classes wanted
MERIT is a microenterprise program that provides business training
and one-on-one business counseling to residents of Marion, Polk and
Yamhill counties who are in the process of starting their own busi-
A microenterprise is defi ned as a very small (or micro-) business, hav-
ing fewer than fi ve employees (usually a single self-employed person
or family), minimal capital needs, and whose owner has some social,
cultural, economic or physical barrier to overcome that prevents access
to traditional business training and counseling resources. We are looking
for individuals who possess the best practices in workshop facilitation,
instruction and classroom management to facilitate discussion and
student information exchange on the topic of business development.
Our goal is to create a safe, interactive, non-critical learning environ-
ment that encourages self-refl ection and learning. We are looking for
individuals who will build trust with each student to ensure they become
completely engaged in the course to the best of their ability.
Application Instructions: Please send your resume and a bio to
the MERIT Program Manager Mona Edwards at medwar44@cheme- n
2014 Honors In Education
Education is soliciting student information to publish in a special edition of Smoke
Signals . The special edition will highlight students from Preschool to College, and
acknowledge their educational efforts thus far.
We encourage you to complete this form and submit to:
Mail to
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Education; 9615 Grand Ronde Road
Grand Ronde, OR 97347
Postmarked 6/1/13
E-mail photos to:
Student Information
Student’s Name
CTGR Tribal Enrollment Number
Student’s Name
Mailing Address
City, State and Zip Code
Name of School
Home Phone Number
Grade or Degree/Certificate
2014 Honors in Education Student Quotes
Please complete the section which best represents the student’s current educational category.
to these the
be published
in the special
of Smoke
. Please include
section will
best represents
the edition
current Signals
category. a
student photo. Photos can be submitted with the attached form or sent electronically to Mailed photos will not be returned.
Preschool – (ages 0 – 5)
What do I want to be when I grow up?
Grades K – 12 –
When I graduate from High School I want to:
What is my next step after completing my GED?
College -
What am I using my degree for?
I give permission for the information above and photograph or video image to be used for any Tribal
Print Name
Signature -Parent/Guardian for youth 18 and under
For office use ONLY:
Date Received: ___________________________