16 S moke S ignals may 15, 2014 Indian Week proclaimed Grand Ronde Tribal Housing Authority Home repair grants for Tribal homes Photo by Michelle Alaimo Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber signs the American Indian Week proclamation in the Governor’s ceremonial office at the State Capitol building in Salem on Tuesday, May 13. American Indian Week in Oregon is May 17-2 and this year’s theme is “Tradition and Innovation: Learning from Our Past to Build Strong Communities.” Tribal Council member Cheryle A. Kennedy, right, attended the signing. Help needed identifying plots The Facilities Department is asking for help identifying veteran’s plots. If your family member’s or friend’s plot is a veteran and we do not have a veteran’s flag present on holidays, please inform us. We will do our best to mark all plots of veterans. Contact Adam Leno at 503-879-5525 or adam.leno@grandronde.org. n The Tribe, through the Grand Ronde Tribal Housing Authority, offers Home Repair Grants to Tribally owned private homes for needed repairs, upgrades and maintenance. If you own a home in Oregon and it needs a little help with things like a worn-out roof or a tired heating system, get in touch with your Tribal Housing Authority and see if you and your home qualify. 503-879-2401. Oregon State holding powwow on May 17 CORVALLIS – Oregon State University will hold the 38th annual Kla- towa Eena Powwow on Saturday, May 17, inside Gill Coliseum on campus. Grand entries will occur at 1 and 7 p.m. Host drum is the Blacklodge Singers and honor drum is Little River Singers. Nick Sixkiller will be the master of ceremonies. In addition to the powwow, the annual salmon bake will be held in the Memorial Union quad from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, May 16. A meet and greet at the Eena Haws Native American Longhouse will follow at 5 p.m. The meet and greet will feature the 1491s, a Native American sketch comedy group. The group also will perform at 5 p.m. Saturday during the powwow. Events are free and open to the public. For more information, check out oregonstate.edu/nal/ on the Internet or call the longhouse at 541-737-2783. n