S moke S ignals may 1, 2014 Letters 1 Plankhouse replica Dear Smoke Signals: Urgent! Tribal members with the Constitutional Election upon us, the Tribe has conducted a few meetings to provide information on the two items we will be voting upon. I attended the April 12 meeting in Eugene directed by Tribal attorneys Rob Greene and Deneen Aubertin and walked away from these meetings with several concerns. 1) Removal of the Bureau of Indian Affairs from our voting process: Ques- tion: “What exactly are we voting for? If we remove the BIA, what is going to be put in its place?” Answer: “Nothing has been written yet, we have a process and an ordinance that will be written, 30-day comment period and then Tribal Council will approve the new voting ordinance.” Basically, we are being asked to vote on a constitutional change that gives Tribal Council full control over our voting process and at this time we have absolutely no idea what these changes are going to be. Example: They can take out any third-party election company from overseeing the counting of the votes and make it a total in-house process (yikes). Second, money seems to be one of the reasons given for removing the BIA. Rob Greene stated that the BIA was supposed to be paying for the election costs, but have neglected to do so. This may be true, but what is the alternative? We remove the BIA and who pays for the election costs? We do! The difference being we now have lost the insurance of having the BIA to ensure that our elections are being held properly and in the event of a problem we have no third party to act as a mediator or conduct investigations. Third, “Sovereignty.” Let me just say I plan on exercising my sovereign right by voting “No.” 2) Term Limits: The only thing I have to say regarding this issue is vote! I personally am not happy with the fact that the General Council took a survey a few years back regarding term limits. We were given the option of two or three terms. The vote was overwhelming for two-term limits, not the three-term limits we are currently voting upon. The fact that the General Council is again not being taken seriously is for me the bigger issue here. This is a very important election, so send in your registration form. Your vote will not count without it. Voting is your opportunity to make a differ- ence; the Tribe needs you. Do not forget the 1999 amendment. If you are not happy with the results of this election, the possibility of reversing it is virtually impossible. Let’s not make that same mistake! Important dates: Be sure to allow for mailing time! • May 9: Registration forms in to BIA - Mail by May 4. • June 6: Election Day - Mail by June 1. Sincerely, Ann K. Lewis Roll #3983 Photo by Michelle Alaimo Travis Stewart, Tribal Cultural Youth Education specialist, trims a cedar plank for the replica Tillamook-style plankhouse being built at Chachalu, the Tribal museum and cultural center, on Monday, April 28. Brian Krehbiel, Tribal Cultural Education specialist, and Bobby Mercier, Tribal Cultural Outreach specialist, also helped construct the plankhouse that will be an exhibit showing traditional plankhouse living. WIC to visit Tribe Pregnant? Breastfeeding? Family include a child under the age of 5? You may qualify for the Women, Infants and Children program. With WIC, you can get answers to nutrition questions and access fruits and vegetables, whole grains, eggs, milk, cheese, juice, cereal and more. A WIC representative will be at the Tribal Youth Education Building on the first and third Tuesday of the month between 9 and 11 a.m. Walk-ins are welcome. 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At least one family member employed in farm labor earn- Monday-Friday Monday-Friday ing up to $4,583 year round. Call Mary for an appt or application. Call Mary for an appt or application. “This opportunity institution provider. is an equal opportunity provider” “This opportunity institution provider. is an equal opportunity provider” Paid ad Paid ad Test fee assistance Enrolled Tribal members can request assistance with test fees (i.e. GRE, SAT, LSAT, ACT) and admissions application fees. Contact Higher Education for more information at 1-800-422-0232, ext. 2275. n What is an internship? An internship (full-time/part-time) is a real-world experience related to your career goals and interests. It may, but does not have to be related/ connected to your academic major or minor. Internships can be done dur- ing the academic semester and/or summer. There are several varieties of internships: some are paid, some are not and some offer credit towards graduation (from Stonybrook University’s Career Center). Internships can be what helps you stand out in your job interviews after college. Most employers look for a combination of formal education and experience. Not only are you gaining valuable hands-on experience, you are also networking and making connections to professionals in your future career field. CTGR Higher Education encourages students to explore internship opportunities to supplement their college education. n