14 S moke S ignals april 15, 2014 Name Our Community Garden With assistance from the Land & Culture Department, Facilities, Social Services, Natural Resources Department, Tribal Staff and Community Members, the Community Garden is being renovated. Garden beds have been resided and compost added to increase soil nutrients. Pathways have been lined and spread with chips. Additionally, as the year progresses a greenhouse will be installed and an small orchard planted. Now that the Community Garden is taking off and beginning the planting season, The garden needs a name! Please submit your recommendations to: Teresa (Clay) Brocksen Teresa.A.Clay@GrandRonde.org or 503-879-1414 Recommendations are due by April 30 th . Upcoming Event: Everyone welcome! Please join us Saturday, April 19 th at the Community Garden, 8715 Grand Ronde Road (accessed off North Street), for bed preparation and planting. For additional information regarding this event, please contact Patti LeClaire at 503-851-2999. N EED YOUR T RIBAL FISHING LICENSE ? C ONTACT N ATURAL R ESOURCES TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT 503.879.2424 • • • • • Paid ad