S moke S ignals april 15, 2014 Coast Reservation briefi ng 11 Elders’ phone numbers wanted The Tribal Elders Committee is compiling a volunteer phone list of Elders. If you would like to submit your phone number and address to be available to other Elders, send it to elders.committee@grandronde.org or leave a message at 503-879-2231. n Attractive bus Photo by Michelle Alaimo Dr. Stephen Dow Beckham, front row middle, gave a presentation on his report “An Administrative History of the Coast Reservation” to Tribal Council and some Tribal staff members on Wednesday, April 9. Included in the group was Tribal Council member June Sherer, front row left, and Tribal Historian David Lewis, front row right, and second row, from left, Tribal Council member Ed Pearsall, Tribal Council Secretary Toby McClary, Tribal Council member Jon A. George, Tribal Council vice Chair Jack Giff en Jr., and Tribal Council members Denise Harvey, Cheryle A. Kennedy and Kathleen Tom. Lewis is administering Beckham’s projects with the Tribe. Indian Fair set for May 10 “Sharing Our Culture, Educating Our Community” is the theme for an Indian Fair set to occur from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 10, at the National Guard Armory, 541 S.W. Coast Highway, in Newport. The Indian Fair is sponsored by the Siletz Tribal Arts and Heritage Society in cooperation with the Siletz Tribal Culture Department. Displays of regalia, baskets and other art forms will be available for viewing. A wide array of items created by Native artists and crafts people will be for sale and Indian tacos will be available to purchase. For more information about the Indian Fair, call 541- 351-8663.n Photo by Michelle Alaimo The Coastal Connector public transit bus that provides daily service between Grand Ronde and Lincoln City is now in service. One side of the bus is wrapped with a scene representing Grand Ronde that was created by Graphic Design Specialist George valdez using Tribal Photojournalist Michelle Alaimo’s photos. Grand Ronde and Siletz Tribal members can ride the Coastal Connector for free using their Tribal ID. Test fee assistance Enrolled Tribal members can request assistance with test fees (i.e. GRE, SAT, LSAT, ACT) and admissions application fees. Contact Higher Education for more information at 1-800-422-0232, ext. 2275. n Rocksalt Gallery 2014 Spring Clearance Sale Friday, April 25th & Saturday, April 26 th 10:00 am - 5:30 pm munk skukum ntsayka tilixam Parenting Program for Parents and Youth Ages 10 - 14 Strengthening Families Program A group for you & your youth to spend quality time together. Each evening is interactive and fun as you learn tools to make a successful transition into the teen years. Youth learn how to effectively negotiate and communicate with parents and friends. While parents learn what is developmentally appropriate for teens so they can set limits and grant privileges. Seed Beads on Sale (.5 kilo Bags) $5.00/Bag Over 1200 Bags in Stock Led by: Cristina Lara, Carmen Mercier, Amber Mercier & Amber Amouak For parents AND youth 10 to 14 years old There is no tuition - the class is offered for FREE! Seven Wednesdays, April 23 - June 4 CTGR Adult Education 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 5-7:30 P.M. (Dinner served starting at 5 p.m.) FREE DINNER AND CHILD CARE!!! Space is limited and you, MUST register to attend. Interested? Register at www.midvalleyparenting.org or call Cristina Lara 503-879-2040 769 N. Main, Suite A, Independence, Oregon 97351 503-864-5111 Paid ad