S moke S ignals april 1, 2014 9 Tessa simmons forms Grayson Winters into a mermaid after he buried himself in the sand while watching canoe races during spring break camp on Monday, March 2. Youth take a break The Tribe’s Youth Education Department held its annual Spring Break camping trip at Camp Westwind in Lincoln City from Monday to Wednesday, March 24-26. About 50 sixth- through 12th-graders attended the camp. The youth were divided into clans and competed against each other in events, such as canoe races, capture the fl ag, an obstacle course, a treasure hunt and skits. Angel Freeman lines up her shot to try to knock a plastic cup off a bench as clans compete in a shooting competition during spring break camp on Monday, March 2. Ayden bobb makes a sand village on the beach during spring break camp on Monday, March 2. Isaiah Holmes, left, and Josh Henry dry dishes before they put them away as their clan cleans up after dinner during spring break camp on Monday, March 2. True Gibbons dons a life preserver as he and his clan prepare for a canoe race during spring break camp on Monday, March 2. Photos by Michelle Alaimo