S moke S ignals april 1, 2014 elliott-McDonald retires 17 Happy 90th birthday to Kathryn Harrison Born March 28, 1924 From a grateful Tribe Hayu masi! Photo by Michelle Alaimo Tribal Council secretary Toby McClary, left, and Tribal Council Chairman Reyn Leno, right, present sheila elliott-McDonald with a Pendleton blanket during her retirement party in the Tribe’s Human Resources Department conference room on Thursday, March 27. she worked for the Tribe for 19 years and retired from her position as the Tribe’s employee benefits specialist. Jim Holmes will be taking over those duties in addition to his current position as Tribal Risk and Insurance administrator. TЭnas Intervention Services to be provided to babies & moms-to-be: Checkups Cleanings, if applicable Injection-free fillings, if needed and appropriate Cavity prevention treatment Age-appropriate goodie bags Raffle ticket for one of two blankets to be raffled every six months Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Dental Clinic Pregnant women and babies under 2 Tribal members: pregnant women or 0-2 year olds (teeth or no teeth!) who come in for a scheduled dental checkup or other appointment will be entered in a raffle for a baby Pendleton Blanket! To schedule call: 503-879-2020 Happy Birthday to Our Newest Elder Penny! April 10th We love you, Mom, Lloyd, Billy, Serena, Laney, Paisley, Billy III, Kristy, Nolen, Noelle, and Angel Grand Ronde Royalty Royalty participants and their parent or sponsor must attend all re- quired events (powwows, parades, fundraisers, organizational meetings and others). Absences can be prearranged with the Royalty Coordinator. Three unexcused absences will result in disqualification from Royalty. Royalty participants are expected to stay for the duration of the events. This includes helping set up for events, such as meetings and parades, as well as dancing during Grand Entry, InterTribals and staying until the flags are retired unless pre-approved with the Royalty Coordinator. Participants are expected to speak in front of large groups of people. Royalty participants must be willing and able to dance. Remember: You are all part of a team and are expected to treat yourselves, running mates and others with respect at all times. GRAND RONDE ROyALty cOuRt Participating in Royalty Court is an excellent opportunity for Tribal girls and young women to learn our traditions and powwow protocol. Participants rep- resent the Tribe by attending powwows and various community events. We encourage all young woman ages 5-18 to join. Participants must provide their regalia. Serving on Royalty Court requires a considerable commitment from the participant and her sponsor; travel, fundraisers, classes and meetings are required for all competing participants. Little Miss Grand Ronde — 5-8 years of age Junior Miss Grand Ronde — 9-13 years of age Senior Miss Grand Ronde — 14-18 years of age General Requirements: 1. Enrolled Grand Ronde Tribal member 2. Must be alcohol and drug free 3. Never married, no children 5. Attend school regularly and be in good standing 6. Sign and comply with Royalty Guidelines and Agreement ~ OfficiAL AppLicAtiON ~ Applicant’s Name: ________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone (Day): ________________________(Evening): ___________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________________ Age: ___________ Father’s Name: __________________________________________________ Mother’s Name: __________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Name, Address and Phone (if different than a parent): _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Why do you want to participate in Royalty? ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature______________________________________________ Parent’s Signature________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Signature (if different than a parent)_________________________ Return this application to: Grand Ronde Royalty, Attn: Jackie Manyhides, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday, May 2 Ad created by George Valdez