1 march 15, 2014 TiMber SALe SeALeD OrAL biD OPeninG On THe GrAnD rOnDe reSerVATiOn The Needle Pig Thin Logging Unit consists of five cutting blocks to be partial cut harvested by thinning totaling 114.1 acres. The cutting block areas are generally located in northeast ¼ Section 7, west ½ and northeast ¼, Section 8, and Section 14, T5S, R8W, Willamette Meridian Yamhill County, Oregon, on the Grand Ronde Indian Reservation. The timber consists of an estimated volume of 848 thousand board feet of Douglas fir and Other Conifers Sawmill and Better Grade Logs to be auctioned at a minimum bid rate of $230.64 per thousand board feet net scale. An estimated 76 thousand board feet of Red Alder and Other Hardwoods Sawmill and Bet- ter Grade Logs will be sold at the predetermined rate of $145.21 per thousand board feet net scale; Conifer Species Wood Logs and Other Wood Products may be sold at the predetermined rate of $12.45 per thousand board feet gross scale or $1.66 per ton, as applicable; Hardwood Species Wood Logs and Other Wood Products may be sold at the predetermined rate of $5.70 per thousand board feet gross scale or 76 cents per ton, as applicable. The stated volumes for the above timber sale are estimates and are not guaranteed. Opening of sealed bids will take place at the Grand Ronde Natural Resources Office located at 47010 S.W. Hebo Road, Grand Ronde, Ore, at 2:30 p.m., local time, on March 27, 2014. Sealed bids must be first submitted by interested bidders before qualifying for the oral auction to follow opening of sealed bids and verification of documentation. For full information concerning the timber, sample timber sale contract and conditions of the sale, contact the Confeder- ated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Natural Resources Division, 47010 S.W. Hebo Road, Grand Ronde, Ore, 97347, or by telephone 503-879-2424, or by navigating to the following web link: www. grandronde.org/departments/natural-resources/timber-sale-bid- packets/ n S moke S ignals Crafts Day slated for March 23 A day of crafts and creations will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, March 23, in the Tribal Community Center. Sponsored by Tribal Elder Marcella Selwyn and her husband, Tony, the day will include flute and guitar playing and storytelling. Everyone is welcome to attend. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. For more information, contact the Selwyns at 971-237-8530. n Ad created by George Valdez