march 15, 2014 ATni opposes marijuana legalization The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, which represents 57 Na- tive American Tribes in the Pacific Northwest including Grand Ronde, has passed a resolution that calls for working with Smart Approaches to Marijuana, an anti-legalization group spearheaded by former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy and Kevin Sabet, a former federal drug policy adviser. Simon Lee Sampson, of the Yakama Nation, said the Tribes “stand with SAM in support of their principles.” The Native group said it supports “drug prevention, intervention, treat- ment, and recovery efforts that focus on reducing marijuana use, especially among youth.” “We cannot deny that marijuana legalization will have a devastating impact on our communities and we want none of it,” Sampson said. n S moke S ignals 1 SMArT presentation Training for fetal alcohol syndrome A Children & Family Services training will discuss “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders” from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday, March 28, in Room 126 of the Adult Education Building. Lonny Webb will be the instructor. He has worked for the Idaho State School and Hospital, the Oregon State Penitentiary and the Oregon Department of Corrections. He has degrees in psychology and social work. People who were exposed to alcohol or other substances while in the womb were formed in a toxic soup that can cause birth defects, such as fetal alcohol syndrome or alcohol-related neurodevelop- mental disorder. The National Institute of Health states that these effects are lifelong, but do change with age. To register, contact Amanda Mercier at 503-879-2039 or amanda. Lunch will be provided. n education offers Chinuk Wawa classes elders’ phone numbers wanted The Tribe’s Cultural Education Department offers adult Chinuk Wawa language classes from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday in Room 207 in the Tribal Adult Education Building. Language classes can be taken for college credit or fun. For more information, call 503-879-2249 or 503-437-4599. n The Tribal Elders Committee is compiling a volunteer phone list of Elders. If you would like to submit your phone number and address to be available to other Elders, send it to or leave a message at 503-879-2231. n BURIAL FUND ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT Tribal Council, in consultation with the Tribal Attorney’s Of- fice, is considering amendments to the Burial Fund Ordinance. Proposed amendments were given a First Reading at the Jan. 30, 2013, Tribal Council meeting. Following public notice and review of Tribal member comments, Tribal Council proposed additional amendments to the Burial Fund Ordinance, which are summarized below in italics. Proposed amendments were given a Second Read- ing at the March 5, 2014, Tribal Council meeting. The primary purposes of the proposed amendments are as fol- lows: (1) Clarify that the Burial Benefit does not include reimbursement for prepaid funeral expenses prior to death; (2) Define “Child” as a child who is age 25 or younger and natural, adoptive or step-child of Tribal member; (3) Set forth types of required family relationship evidence to include birth or marriage certificates, orders of adoption, proof of paternity or other documented evidence required by the Enroll- ment Office; (4) Allow application for Burial Benefit by written or verbal ap- plication and specify that death certificate and invoice from funeral provider are required; (5) Increase stated Burial Benefit from $3,500 to $5,500; (6) Increase stated Reception Benefit from $150 to $300; (7) Make technical updates, such as changing references from “Vital Statistics” to “Enrollment Department” and capitalizing words; (8) Define “Spouse” as legally married spouse under the ap- plicable Tribal, state or foreign law in which the marriage was entered; and (9) Provide that a portion of the Burial Benefit may be applied to the purchase of a Tribal blanket from the Tribe for the funeral service. Tribal Council invites comment on the proposed amendments to the Burial Fund Ordinance. For a copy of the proposed amend- ments please contact the Tribal Attorney’s Office at 503-879-4664. Please send your comments to the Tribal Attorney’s Office, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 or by e-mail to Comments must be received by April 15, 2014. Photo by Michelle Alaimo Spirit Mountain Community Fund Director Kathleen George, left, waves to the Moda Center crowd during a check presentation to Start Making A reader Today during halftime of the Portland Trail blazers and Los Angeles Lakers game on Monday, March 3. Along with George, the fund’s board of Trustees Vice Chairwoman Darlene Hooley, middle, and board of Trustees Chairman Sho Dozono, second from right, presented SMArT’s northwest Area office assistant managers raymond White, second from left, and Michael Finlay, right, the $50,000 grant. The check was presented during the game to bring more public awareness to SMArT and the Community Fund. COMMerCiAL FireWOOD SALe SeALeD biD OPeninG On THe GrAnD rOnDe reSerVATiOn The Natural Resources Department of the Grand Ronde Tribe would like to invite Tribal members to consider bidding on the 2014 Eads Bowl Firewood Cleanup Permit sale. This permit would allow the commercial removal of residual firewood from along the 510E-2, 510E-3, 510-E3A and 510E3-B Roads on the Reservation. The permit area is generally located in the west ½ of Section 17, T5S, R8W, Willamette Meridian Yamhill County, Oregon, on the Grand Ronde Indian Reservation. There is an estimated 10 cords to be sold for a lump sum price to the highest bidder. All interested bidders should pick up a map of the area from the Natural Resources Department and make their own evaluation of the firewood cutting area that is available to bid on. The minimum bid for this sale is $200 and that buys the purchaser all firewood within 30 feet of roads and landings in the approved cutting areas. The stated volumes for the above timber sale are estimates and are not guaranteed. The firewood permit will be good for a period of three months from the date of the contract approval and no extensions will be granted. Opening of sealed bids will take place at the Grand Ronde Natural Resources Office located at 47010 S.W. Hebo Road, Grand Ronde, Oregon, at 2:30 p.m. local time on April 3, 2014. In the event of a tie, the bidder whom delivered their bid first shall be the winner. For full information concerning the firewood, sample permit and conditions of the permit, and bidding instructions, contact the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Natural Resources Depart- ment, 47010 S.W. Hebo Road, Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347, or by telephone 503-879-2424. n Looking for scholarships? There are numerous scholarship opportunities offered for students to apply to each year. The majority of scholarships for fall term/semester are due between January and April of each year. Don’t miss your chance to apply for free money for college. The Tribal Higher Education programs are here to assist you in your application process. You also can utilize a scholarship search engine to help you locate scholar- ships. If you use a scholarship search site, be sure to read the privacy policy to ensure you are using a site that will not sell your contact information. A recommended search site to use is n