Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, January 15, 2014, Page 4, Image 4

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    S moke S ignals
january 15, 2014
JOb OPPOrTuniTies
n audit Manager
Gaming Commission
Grade: 16
Open until filled
2009 – Sparks flew as the old Spirit Moun-
tain Casino sign was dismantled in front of
the casino and a larger high-tech sign was
erected. The new sign became operational
on Jan. 5.
2004 – Spirit Mountain Casino and 22
residences west of Valley Junction went
from being delivered mail by the Willamina
Post Office to being delivered mail by the
Grand Ronde Post Office. The new arrange-
ment was worked out by Grand Ronde
Postmaster Phil Burris and his counterpart
in Willamina, John McCleery. The change
allowed the residents to drive to the much
File photo
closer Grand Ronde Post Office to pick up
their packages and letters.
1999 – Tribal language instructor Tony Johnson is meeting once
a week with a group of 10 students who are committed to mastering
Chinuk Wawa. He also teaches the Tribal language bi-weekly to pre-
schoolers and to youth from kindergarten through fifth grade. Johnson’s
efforts are part of a Tribal goal of reviving the dying language.
1994 – Ken Larsen, who has built log homes for people in Flor-
ence, Gaston, Banks and other Oregon towns, was featured as the
Entrepreneur of the Month. He began working in construction in
the late 1970s.
1989 – Smoke Signals does not have a copy of the January 1989
1984 – Because of its new federally recognized status, the Confed-
erated Tribes of Grand Ronde was honored guest at the mid-winter
conference of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians held at the
Cosmopolitan Hotel in Portland. Many kind words and accolades
were voiced by the various Tribal leaders present, including keynote
speaker David Matheson, chairman of the Coeur d’Alene Tribal
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year incre-
ments through the pages of Smoke Signals.
CTGr TerO program seeking
construction workers and contractors
The Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) is developing a list of
Tribal member and Indian workers who are interested in obtaining job as-
signments on construction projects. TERO is also preparing a list of Tribal
and Indian businesses (IOBs). IOBs will be certified to become eligible to
participate in contracting opportunities in fulfillment of IOB preference
provisions contained in the TERO Ordinance.
Construction work will be primarily in heavy highway construction on
projects throughout the region. CTGR and ODOT negotiated an agreement
that provides hiring preference to Indians who are dispatched to projects
through TERO. Once the agreement is in place, those with experience in
the construction trades will have immediate opportunities for employment.
In addition, those seeking to begin careers in the construction trades may
be eligible for training opportunities available including on-the-job train-
ing and apprentice assignments.
TERO preference requirements also apply to all construction projects
on the reservation and a need for workers and contractors experienced in
the building trades will create opportunities for employment. Contracting
opportunities for IOBs also will be available on these projects.
Applications are available by contacting the TERO Program Office, 9615
Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 (located in Human Resources
in the Governance Center). For more information, contact Greg Azure at
503-879-2251. n
Ad created by George Valdez
n aFC Caregiver
Adult Foster Care
Grade: 5
Open until filled
n Executive Director
Limited Term appointment
of 2-3 years
Housing Authority
Grade: 17
Open until filled
n Preschool Bus Driver
Early Childhood Education
Grade: 5
Closing date: jan. 29
n Executive Director
Health Services
Health Administration
Grade: 22
Open until filled
Internal applicants are
1. Current Regular Employee, past
their six-month Introductory pe-
riod, receiving at least a “meets
expectations” on most recent
performance evaluation and not
under disciplinary action or per-
formance improvement within the
previous six months,
2. Grand Ronde Tribal members
3. Spouse of a Grand Ronde Tribal
member or
4. Parent or legal guardian of Grand
Ronde Tribal member children
Internal recruitment
For those individuals meeting mini-
mum qualifications an interview will
be given in the following ranking
1. Grand Ronde Tribal members
a) Qualified Grand Ronde Tribal
members who show they meet
the minimum qualifications of
the position during the course
of the interview process will be
given first consideration for hire
and the recruitment process
will end
2. Tribal member spouses, parents
and/or legal guardians of Grand
Ronde Tribal member children
3. Current regular employees
For a detailed job description, please contact the Tribe’s
job line at 503-879-2257 or 1-877 TRIBEGR.
w w w. g ra n d ro n d e . o rg
education offers Chinuk Wawa classes
The Tribe’s Cultural Education Department offers adult Chinuk
Wawa language classes from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday
in Room 207 in the Tribal Adult Education Building.
Language classes can be taken for college credit or fun.
For more information, call 503-879-2249 or 503-437-4599. n