Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, November 15, 2013, 30th Restoration commemorative issue, Page 19, Image 17

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    Smoke Signals 19
NOVEMBER 15,2013
' TVfnv 14 f?nnO;
added to the Walks of Flags area
at the state Gapitol in Salem.
; -May 23; 2009: Spirit Mountain
r Casino opens the Mountain View
Sports Bar and Raindrops Night
club. .
v a mi m l 1 TTT i
duly zuuy: ine irioe ana west
Valley Fire District sigh an inter
governmental agreement to build
a fire station'in Grand Ronde.
September 2009: A new base
ball field, complete with' two dug
outs, is constructed on the Tribal
campus. .
Oct. 2, 2009: The Oregon Fish
and Wildhie Commission re
adopts a rule granting ceremonial
hunting rights to the Tribe across
the Trask Hunting Unit.
Nov. 2, 2009: Completion of the
Grand Ronde Road improvement
project is marked by a ribbon
cutting ceremony.
Nov. 6, 2009: The Tribe pur
chases a new 20,000-square-foot
building at 4445 S.W. Barbur
Blvd. in which to house the Port
Ian H satellite office '.
January 2010:
Community Fund joins t acebook,
the increasingly popular social
media site.
February 2010: The Tribe
receives a $325,000. Indian Com
munity Development Block Grant
to double the size of the Tribal
February 2010: Tribal staff
move into the new Portland satel
lite office on Barbur Boulevard.
March'3, 2010: For the first
imi pvpr thp Trihfi rfilfihrates
employees who have reached their
25th year of employment with the
Tribe. .
June 14, 2010: A Tribal contin
gent celebrates the 10th anniver
sary of the Tribe's agreemenfrwith
the American Museum of Natural
History in New York City by hold
ing a ceremony with Tomanowos.
June 25, 2010: Grand opening
; of the Grand Ronde Fire Station
at McPherson and Grand Ronde
roads is celebrated. r 1 ' ir.' 1,5
Sept. 8, 2010: Spirit Mountain
Community Fund surpasses the
$50 million mark in charitable
Sept. 17, 2010: Grand opening
of the new Tribal plankhouse.
October 2010: The Tribe estab
lishes Twitter and Facebook social
media accounts.
Dec. 9, 2010: An open house
celebrates the 4,000-square-foot
expansion of the Tribal Health
and Wellness Center.
, Jan. 19, 2011: The Tribe be
comes a three-year sponsor of the
Portland Rose Festival's Grand
Floral Parade.
Tribal flas nrfi
Spirit Mountain
Jan. 30. 2011:
puya word meaning "a house built
of cedar planks."
May 2011: The
buy the soon-to-be vacated middle
school facility in Grand Ronde
from the Willamina School Dis-
trict. ! '
June 2, 2011: An open house
celebrates the expansion of the
Tribal Library.
July 2011: After a two-year hia-
tus because ot dithcult economic
times, Spirit Mountain Stam
pede returns to the Tribal Rodeo
fipnt. 1 fl. 201 1 !
wfv. w,
a memorandum
with the Bureau
i ttw ksi Aicdk. imvr wwv .w w rtv nw nedhm iv'Mi-rtvftxtl awl fern -oiK. iinwnwnn
nrnAaWh rK ivr rt- mp.&tiv A .fa'iWhr iv1.-i Tfifci html Vv:nrk hNjiI
regarding the management plan
for Table Rocks.
Sept. 23, 2011: The Tribe holds
its first-ever Tribal Government
Day with the city of Portland.
'Dec; 7, 2011: Spirit Mountain
Community Fund tops $55 million
in charitable giving.'-'
- Dec. 16, 2011: The Tribe holds"
its first Salmon Celebration.
March 4, 2012: The Tribe cel
ebrates the release of a new Chi
nuk Wawa dictionary, "Chinuk
Wawa:. As our elders teach us to
- May 11, 2012: Spirit Mountain
Community Fund celebrates its
15th anniversary.
July 11, 2012: The city of Port
land formalizes coordination and
consultation with Tribal govern
ments. Nov. 6, 2012: Oregonians reject
two measures that would have
amended the state Constitution
to allow private casinos and would
have specifically approved one in
Wood Village.
Nov. 16, 2012: Alvin LaChance
Jr. and Jake McKnight are sworn
in as the first two members of the
Grand Ronde Police Department.
. Nov. 27, 2012: Two charging
stations for electric cars become
The Tribal nlank-i
a Tualatin-Kala-
Tribe agrees to
Thf THhfi SICrnS
. o
of understanding
of Land Manage-
operational at the Grand Ronde
Dec. 26. 2012:
Rail Depot is named to the Na
tional Register of Historic Places.
Feb. 11, 2013: The Tribe be-
comes a minority owner of SAM
Medical Products in Wilsonville.
April 11, 2013: The Tribe
mounts the exhibit 4"We Were
Here First ... And We're Here to
Stay!" at the Willamette Heritage
Center at The Mill in Salem.
April 2013: The Tribe begins an
enrollment audit
rollment is historically accurate.
Anril 2013: The Lands Man
agement and Cultural Resources
rlDnartmanfc oro
utjymwuvJiio uiw iuvijjvw
entity, the new Land and Culture
TJ l I'M !'
: r
s Chinuk Wawa '
kakwM nsayka ulmaii-lilixam task mu!ik-k,mlaks nsyk ;
Photo from Smoke Signals archive
ficers were sworn in to the Grand
Ronde Police Department. :
May 6, 2013: The Tribe held a
First Salmon Ceremony at the
McLean House in West Linn, :;k
marking the first time in 130
years Tribal members held such
a ceremony on the banks of the
Willamette River. ; ,
May 2013: The first Tribal stu
dents graduated Willamina High
School with both high school and
college credit for learning their
Native language, Chinuk Wawa.
May 29, 2013: Mindy Lane is
sworn in as the first female mem-
,ber of the Grand Ronde Police
June 2013: The Tribe acquires
the 338-acre Chahalpam prop
erty on the North Santiam River
southeast of Salem in Marion
County and just downstream from
June 9, 2013: The Tribe hosted
the first-ever four-day Veter
ans' Summit at Uyxat Powwow
Sept. 25-29, 2013: For the first
time in more than 100 years, a
Coming of Age Ceremony is held
for Tribal girls.
Nov. 22-23, 2013: The Tribe eel-
The Grand Ronde
to ensure its en-
mor(TOf infn
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