4 NOVEMBER 15, 2013 Smoke Signals siDmnioirD begirt Photos by Michelle Alalmo Tribal youth line up to got a ploco of coho salmon ai Bobby Mercler, Tribal Cultural outreach specialist, cuts it during a first salmon caramony hold at the Tribal fish weir on Agency Creek on Friday, Nov. 8. The first salmon of the season arrived on Saturday, Nov. 2, and under a provision in the Tribe's scientific taking permit, the Tribe is allowed to harvest one salmon to be used for cultural purposes. Brian Krehbiel, Tribal Cultural education specialist, caught the salmon using a net and it was traditionally cooked. w lit '4 !, 1 1 Tribal Biologist Lindsay Belonga, left, and Nathan Breece, Tribal biological technician, count coho salmon in the Tribal fish weir on Agency Creek on Friday, Nov. 8. 2008 -The Confeder ated Tribes of Grand Ronde prepared to cel ebrate 25 years of Res toration on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21-22, with a powwow and celebration banquet followed by a concert featuring internation ally known singer Rita Coolidge (Cherokee). 2003 The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde prepared to cel ebrate 20 years of Restoration on Saturday, Nov. 22, with a celebra tion at Spirit Mountain Casino, which included a concert featuring country singer Crystal Gayle. 1998 The Grand Ronde Tribe celebrated the grand opening of the Governance Center on Nov. 6. Elders, Tribal Council and scores of other members and guests gathered in the main ceremonial area of the 40,000-square-foot structure to honor what to most represented a monument to Tribal achievements. 1993 Publications does not have a copy of the November 1993 Smoke Signals. 1988 Tribal members were invited to a Thanksgiving potluck to be at Willamina Grade School. Contacts were Sheila Leno and Diane Lane. irefiiuairirD 7 ." File photo ty INTERNAL OPENINGS Secretary Natural Resources Grade: 6 Closing date: Dec 3 Adult Education & College Advising Coordinator Education Grade: 10 Closing date: Dec 3 I Administrative Assistant Economic Development Grade: 8 30 hrsweek Closing date: Dec 4 EXTERNAL OPENINGS I Audit Manager Audit Services Grade: 16 Open until filled This position will be posted for a minimum of 1 5 business days. ! AFC Caregiver (on-call) Adult Foster Care Grade: 5 Open until filled Executive Director Limited Term appointment of 2-3 years Housing Authority Grade: 17 Open until filled For a detailed job description, please contact the Tribe's job line at 503-879-2257 or 1-877 TRIBEGR. Education offers Chinuk Wawa classes The Tribe's Cultural Education Department offers adult Chinuk Wawa language classes from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday in Room 207 in the Tribal Adult Education Building. Language classes can be taken for college credit or fun. For more information, call 503-879-2249 or 503-437-4599. Grand Ronde Food & Fuel Company Part-time workers needed Pay rate: $8.95 hr. Availahiliry: Must he able to work weekends, holidays anil graveyard shift II 5 nwn nri ttJFlJ pmnei hctiict t I go to www.grandionde.orgcinployment to download an application or request application from CTGR Unman Resources at 503-879-2 109 INTERNALEXTERNAL Emergency Operations Coordinator Police Grade: 13 Closing date: Dec 9 Executive Director Health Services Health Administration Grade: 22 Open until filled Internal applicants are 1. Current Regular Employee, past their six-month Introductory pe riod, receiving at least a "meets expectations" on most recent per formance evaluation and not under disciplinary action or performance improvement within the previous six months, 2. Grand Ronde Tribal members 3. Spouse of a Grand Ronde Tribal member or 4. Parent or legal guardian of Grand Ronde Tribal member children Internal recruitment For those individuals meeting mini mum qualifications an interview will be given in the following ranking order: 1. Grand Ronde Tribal members a) Qualified Grand Ronde Tribal members who show they meet the minimum qualifications of the position during the course of the interview process will be given first consideration for hire and the recruitment process will end 2. Tribal member spouses, parents andor legal guardians of Grand Ronde Tribal member children 3. Current regular employees .S.-3 4 BPSBH o Ad created by George Valdez