Smoke Signals 18 JULY 1,2013 (orner CTGR Tribal Headquarters 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde. OR 97347 Weekly Classes: rr Mondays: Class: Chinuk Wawa 2nd year Time: 5 -6:30 p.m. Location: Cultural Center, 8728 Grand Ronde Rd Class: Chinuk Wawa Time: 5-8:30 D.m. Location: Cultural Center, 8728 Grand Ronde RaT Class: Dancing Time: 4 - 5 pm Location: Adult Ed Building Rm 128 Aand B Tuesdays: Class: Weaving Time: 12:30 -430 p.m. Location: Elders' Activity Center Wednesdays: Class: Chinuk Wawa Time: 5 -6:30 p.m. Location: Cultural Center, 8728 Grand Ronde Rd Thursdays: Class: Regala Making Tme: 4:30 -7 p.m. Location: Adult Ed Building Rm 126 A and B Class: Ufeways Time: 3 -7 p.m. Location: Adult Ed Building. Room 207 '"L i ,41 Grand Ronde Area CTGR Portland Office 4445 SW.Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97239 Weekly classes in PDX for Jury: Mondays. 3 - 7 pm - Ufeways Lamb Cottage Meeting Facility (located in Skinner Butte Park) 101 Cheshire Road. Eugene OR 97401 Class: Chinuk Wawa Date: Mondays. Jury 1, 15, 29 5:30-8:30 pm Tuesdays, 5 - 8 p.m. - Beading L" i Class: Ufeways Date: Tuesdays, Jury 2. 16, 30 1:30-4:30 pm Wednesdays. 5:30 - 7:30 pm -Chinuk Wawa Cla J Date: Class: Beading Wednesdays. Jury 3, 17. 31 -7 pm. Wednesdays. 5-7 pm -Chinuk Wawa 2nd Year Eugene Area E Portland Area Chahalpam - "Place of the Santiam Kalapuya People": Many people already know that the Chahalpam property, the 338-acre conservation area purchased by the Tribe with funds from Bonneville Power Administration in May, provides important habitat for species of Tribal cultural significance such as winter steelhead, spring Chinook salmon, Pacific lamprey, and western red cedar. But what many aren't aware of is the area's historical significance. The Chahalpam property (the name means "place of the Santiam Kalapuya people" in Kalapuyan) is r indeed within the homeland of the Santiam Kalapuya, and has been since time immemorial. It is on the north bank of the North Santiam River a few miles downstream from Stayton. A stone's throw away, directly across the river from Chahalpam, is the -Reservation of the Santiam Band of the Calapooia Tribe," as delineated in the heated, hard-fought Treaty negotiations in 1 851 between Chief Alquema and Indian Agent John Gains. The following quote by Chief Alquema (also known as Joe Hutehins) is taken from the negotiations: We understand fully what you mean and mat it removal from our homelands may be better for us, but our minds are made up. placing his finger on the place on the map which designated the fork in the Santiam River. We wish to reserve this piece of land. We do not wish to leave this. We would rather be shot on it than removed. Unfortunately, although the Indian Agent finally agreed to reserve this area for the Santiam Kalapuya in the 1851 Treaty, when Congress received the signed Treaty they refused to ratify it In Congress eyes, the 1851 Treaty failed to accomplish the major objective of removing the Native peoples from the Willamette valley to make room for Euro-American settlement. Four years later, a new Indian Agent, Joel Palmer, would negotiate a much harsher treaty with the Confederated Bands of the Willamette Valley (including the Santiam Kalapuya), one that did not include a reservation in the Santiam Kalapuya's homelands. However, with the help of continued land acquisition and restoration efforts, the area of Chahalpam will expand as additional properties are acquired by the Tribe on both sides of the North Santiam River. This area is of critical importance to a species that some may not have expected human beings. Over lime, as the Tribe's ceded land acquisitions continue, Chief Alquema s people will once again own the home lands they fought so hard to retain. Note: Culture classes are free for enrolled Grand Ronde Tribal members: No charge for the classes or materials. These classes are also free for Tribal member spouses, family and descendants - if materials (beads, dentalia etc.) are required, thev must brinq their own, use donated if available or reimburse tor any materials provided, oee insuurjiur iur ueuans. r i Members enrolled in any other federally-recognized Tribe: $10 fee per class - bring their own materials, use donated materials if available or reimburse for materials provided. For all other persons: $1 5 fee per class - bring their own materi als, use donated materials if available or reimburse for mr'.crr' provided. . For more information please contact Flicka Lucero, Land and Culture Dept Secretary, t C2Z- Ad created by George Valdez