Smoke Signals JUNE 15, 2013 SALMON RIVER - MASTER HUNTER JAN. 1 - JAN. 12, 2014 NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: . ZIP: ROLL : PHONE: ) EMAIL: . By submitting this application you acknowledge you have read and understand your rights under the Fish, and Wildlife Ordinance and agree to be held In accordance with the Ordinance. Exercising your right to hunt shall be subject to applicable Oregon State laws, as provided in the Agreement. Failure to comply shall be considered a violation and may result in the suspension or revocation of your hunting, fishing andor gathering privileges. The ordinance can be found at http:Aww.grandronde.orgarchlves Fish and Wildlife Ordinance or by contacting our office BOW ELK CP DOE PERMITS AUG. 24 SEPT. 22, 2013 OCT. 19 - NOV. 1, 2013 NAME: NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: . CITY: STATEj CITY: STATEj ZIP: ROLL j ZIP: ROLL PHONE: J PHONE: EMAIL: EMAIL: By submitting this application you acknowledge you have read By submitting this application you acknowledge you have read and understand your rights under the Fish, and Wildlife and understand your rights under the Fish, and Wildlife Ordinance and agree to be held in accordance with the Ordinance and agree to be held in accordance with the Ordinance Exercising your right to hunt shall be subject to Ordinance. Exercising your right to hunt shall be subject to applicable Oregon State laws, as provided in the Agreement. applicable Oregon State laws, as provided in the Agreement. Failure to comply shall be considered a violation and may Failure to comply shall be considered a violation and may result in the suspension or revocation of your hunting, fishing result in the suspension or revocation of your hunting, fishing andor gathering privileges. The ordinance can be found at andor gathering privileges. The ordinance can be found at http www grandronde.orgarchives Fish and Wildlife http:www.grandronde.orgarchives Fish and Wildlife Ordinance or bv contacting our office I Ordinance or by contacting our office YOUTH CD DEER YOUTH Antlerless ELK SEPT. 28 - NOV. 3, 2013 AUG. 1 - DEC. 31, 2013 NAME: NAME: . ADDRESS: ADDRESS: CITY: STATEj CITY: STATEj ZIP: ROLL j ZIP: ROLL j PHONE: ) PHONE: i ) EMAIL: EMAIL: By submitting this application you acknowledge you have read By submitting this application you acknowledge you have read and understand your rights under the Fish, and Wildlife and understand your rights under the Fish, and Wild ife Ordinance and agree to be held in accordance with the Ordinance and agree to be held in accordance with the Ordinance Exercising your right to hunt shall be subject to Ordinance. Exercising your right to hunt shall be subject to applicable Oregon State laws, as provided in the Agreement. applicable Oregon State laws, as provided in the Agreement. Failure to comply shall be considered a violation and may Failure to comply shall be considered a violation and may result in the suspension or revocation of your hunting, fishing result in the suspension or revocation of your hunting, fishing andor gathering privileges. The ordinance can be found at andor gathering privileges. The ordinance can be found at http www grandronde.orgarchives Fish and Wildlife http:www.grandronde.orgarchives Fish and Wildlife Ordinance or by contacting our office Ordinance or by contacting our office 1 Muzzleloader Deer Bow Deer NOV. 2 - NOV. 15, 2013 AUG. 24 - SEP. 22, 2013 NAME: . NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: . CITY: STATEj CITY: STATEj ZIP; ROLL j ZIP: ROLL j PHONE: S J PHONE: . EMAIL: EMAIL: By submitting this application you acknowledge you have read By submitting this application you acknowledge you have read and understand your rights under the Fish, and Wildlife and understand your rights under the Fish, and Wildlife Ordinance and agree to be held in accordance with the Ordinance and agree to be held in accordance with the Ordinance. Exercising your right to hunt shall be subject to Ordinance. Exercising your right to hunt shall be subject to applicable Oregon State laws, as provided in the Agreement. applicable Oregon State laws, as provided in the Agreement. Failure to comply shall be considered a violation and may Failure to comply shall be considered a violation and may result in the suspension or revocation of your hunting, fishing result in the suspension or revocation of your hunting, fishing andor gathering privileges. The ordinance can be found at andor gathering privileges. The ordinance can be found at http www.grandronde.orgarchives Fish and Wildlife http:www.grandronde.orgarchives Fish and Wildlife Ordinance or by contacting our office Ordinance or by contacting our office