18 Smoke Signals JUNE 15, 2013 i Photo by Ron Karten Tribal cook Kvin Campbell turns tha tablas at tha Youth Education Summar Klckoff Party on Thursday, Juna 6, racaiving tha dinnar this tlma. With him ara sons Aldan, 4, and Owan, 3. Sarving tha Campbells Is Halona Butlar, Tribal Chinuk Immarsion apprantlca. Attention GED Graduates If you are a CTGR Tribal member and have received your GED or will receive it between June 22, 2012, and June 21, 2013, be sure to contact the GED Coordinator to get on the program for the CTGR Graduation Celebra tion so that you can be recognized and receive your Pendleton blanket. Contact: 503-879-2282 or 1-800-422-0232, ext. 2282. q q3 Q? Q5? JOIN US FOR THE 9TH ANNUAL FAMILY NIGHT OUT! June 20th ALL EVENTS ARE FREE! 5:00 8:00 pm "5 Quad Air Jumper, Pirate Ship, Gyro Scope, Bungee Jump, Rock Wall, Cake walk. Fishing Booth A Much More! (SA Hoi bogs, Chips & For More Information Coll 879-2034 , rt 5T; LOCATION: CT6R CAMPUS OfeSl SEATINS IS NQT PR0VIDED Thank you for respecting Grand Ronde Tribal Community and our Culture by not displaying gang affiliation, or by bringing drugs, alcohol or weapons to this event. GED Graduate Spotlight Danny Clark Tell me a little bit about yourself. My name is Danny Clark and I am 26 years old. I grew up in Grand Ronde and now reside in Willamina. I like to hang out with friends and family and have a great sense of humor. I enjoy hiking, playing guitar, playing hacky sack, video games, going for walks, camping and fishing. What did you complete (GED, college degree, etc.)? I completed my GED in April of 2013. What are your next steps? My next steps are to obtain a driver's license and then begin col lege classes. What were some of your highlights, difficulties, challenges, successes during your educational journey? I would have to say math was a difficult experience along the way. It was hard at first, but when I got help from my GED instructor it became a lot easier. It was much easier as an adult than it was trying to learn it in high school. A highlight was that by studying a lot of hours in each subject, I became more knowledgeable. It really refreshed my mind. I was able to retain the information learned. What factors influenced your decision to do what you are doing now? My fiancee Brittanie Johnson, as well as family and friends have been a huge support. I couldn't have done it without them. They told me that they believed in me and that I had the potential to have a huge, positive impact on society. What will be your major in college? At this point in time I would like to study archaeology and phi losophy. I am really interested in Egyptology, specifically the study of the pyramids. I would really like to research the 13 crystal skulls and eventually help search for them. Why is getting an education important to you? Education is important to me because I like knowledge. I really like to learn new things. Someone once told me that everyone learns something new every day. What is your ultimate educationalcareer goalfuture plans? My ultimate educational and career goal is to work in the field of archaeology. I would love to find things that we've never seen before. I am interested in finding legends and historical evidence, especially in Egypt. The pyramids are fascinating to me and I would really like to find out what they were made for. What advice do you have for those who are undecided in their majorcollege goals? I would say do what you love and stick with it. Don't be hesitant in going after your goals. If you are hesitant, you won't be able to get into a career that you enjoy. How do you think your situation is different from other college students? I really do not think my situation is different from the other college students. We are there to learn. How will you be successful in college? I will be successful in college because I plan to study a lot. I want to make sure that I attend all of my classes on a regular basis and pass all of my tests. I also want to obtain and retain the knowledge that is given to me.