MAY 15,2013 Smoke Signals 7 8 X3 iWJJ i 0 .V 11 J,' i--TT' . Greg Archuleta places the first salmon near the fire to cook during the First Salmon Ceremony held at the McLean House in West Linn on Monday, May 6. A Tribal First Salmon Ceremony has not taken place for 130 years on the Willamette River and the first salmon came from Willamette Falls. First SsDboh3dh -sfilltrfb, page to sec more phoros A crane watches over the salmon as it cooks during the First Salmon Ceremony held at the McLean House in West Linn on Monday, May 6. Five of these wooden cranes were placed near the Willamette River five days before the ceremony to watch the first salmon arrive. 1- f?rr St A L--U 2 ' 'llllM : Tribal Elder Bernadine Shriver gets a piece of salmon during the First Salmon Ceremony held at the McLean House in West Linn on Monday, May 6. Also in line are, from second from right, Tribal Council members Cheryle A. Kennedy and Kathleen Tom, Tribal Elder Deborah Anderson, Tribal Council member June Sherer and Tribal Council Chairman Reyn Leno. Part of the ceremony requires everyone in attendance to eat a piece of the salmon and that all of the fish gets eaten. Photos by Michelle Alaimo . X... - t - , It J. '"4 1 M ' -.-"r. 1U iMMMi ' mm '11 in i ill urn 11 ' ' A " TUlii Nokoa Mercier hands Lisa Archuleta a cooper salmon that Tribal Council member Jon A. George, in cedar hat, made to commemorate the First Salmon Ceremony held at the McLean House in West Linn on Monday, May 6. At left, Jade linger fillets the first salmon before it is traditionally cooked during the First Salmon Ceremony held at the McLean House in West Linn on Monday, May 6.