Smoke Signals 12 MAY 1,2013 Council sets May 5 General Council agenda BBfflsOwBiniQj By Donn IthodPN Smoke Signals editor Trilil mombiTH who attend the May r (Jcncral Council meeting at the Valley Kiver Inn in Kugene will hear a program report from Tribal Economic Development Director Titu AHghar. Tribal Council approved the agen da at its Wednesday, April 24, meeting. AHghar will brief the general membership on the Tribe's purchase of Shasta Administrative Services in Redmond in 2012 and recent invest ment in Sam Medical Products in Wilsonville. The (Jeneral Council meeting will start at 11 a.m. In other action on April 24, Tribal Council: Appointed Tribal Council member Jon A. George as the delegate to the Mid-Willamette Valley Coun cil of Governments and all remain ing Tribal Council members as alternates; Authorized the Economic Devel opment Department to file docu ments with the state to form Ilihi, LLC, for the purpose of expanding economic development into the sustainable plastics industry; Approved issuing a Tribal credit card for Human Resources Depart ment Manager Connie Holmes; Approved applying to the Oregon Youth Conservation Corps for a grant not to exceed $16,500 to help fund the Natural Resource Department's summer youth crew; Approved an Oregon Watershed Enhancement Hoard grant agree ment for technical assistance and OK'd submitting an application for a Performance Partnership grant to the Environmental Pro tection Agency; Re-appointed Sharon Hanson, Joann Mercier and Michael Mer cier to the Tribal Election Hoard and re-appointed Janet CJiddings and appointed Kimberly Campbell as alternates; And approved one infant enroll ment into the Tribe. The April 24 Tribal Council packet also included a staff directive re garding proposed amendments to the Tribal Council Ordinance. Eight Tribal Council members approved bringing the amendments forward to Legislative Action Committee. The amendments would authorize issuing General Services Admin istration cards to Tribal Council members for appropriate travel expenses and requires Tribal Coun cil to discuss any allegations that a fellow council member was in toxicated or under the influence of drugs while conducting or traveling on Tribal business. It also requires Tribal Council members to report when they are taking prescription medications that may impair their judgment. The amendments were advertised twice in Smoke Signals with com ments due by March 31. None were received. .4 i3 L ilfrr 271 Wjfitfipj If 6 -1 2s Photo by Michelle Alaimo The Tribe held a "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work" Day on Thursday, April 25.Th day included a welcoma from Tribal Council, watching tha Tribe's 25th Restoration video, facility tours, recreation activities and a cultural presentation in addition to the youths shadowing their parents at their respective work sites. Tribal 477 Employment & Training Supervisor Leslie Riggs brought his 13-year-old daughter, Kennedy Aronson, to work with him. "I thought it was important to expose her to the working day," he said. "I also thought it was a good opportunity for her to better understand what it is like to work for the Tribe." Nya Ainam, 6, answers questions as she sits in the witness stand during a tour of Tribal Court. Behind her Audrey Mercier, 8, tries out the judge's chair and Anesia Ainam, 8, waits for her chance in the chair. Other youth who took part in the day were Dominic Holtz, 9 and Grave Gibbons After Buffalo, 12. f A . f - "v jr V. J,.;-- AV- -i r .... . - ( . vi Wawa Pus 1 opeaKing i. oniiuh- it ' 1 :V V ; ' 0 v ZX C A 5 Ar vv.C nmt w "m vt , n - - j v , i f ijjLA-,w.rT- ny if Jia 1, 11 1 1 Ml li fl Belonging ! J 1 1 Tribal Co.icuSecretarv? TobV McClary,. j I am for the child feeling a sense of belonging U in me urana Konde Tribe I am for the child fostering a sense of belong ina in others I am for the child havinn tha woe.v maintain and enhance their belonging within the flnnrj DsJA -r:l .. .wa,.u,wlUBiriDeionneirennrefe r. j -A' 1 Ill-1 T Ji.fe -To learn about participation oppo -i If portuniiiu within ( at 503-879-4623 or CTGR CASA, contaqt Adrea Korthase Ad created by George Valdez