Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, April 15, 2013, Page 6, Image 6

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Smoke Signals
APRIL 15,2013
Tribe seeking Hatfield
Fellowship applicants
The Confederated Tribes of the CJrand Honde Community of
Oregon i.s currently seeking applicants for the Mark O. Hatfield
Fellowship, which was established in 1998 as a living tribute to the
late Oregon senator.
The fellowship honors Hatfield for his accomplishments as gov
ernor of Oregon and a U.S. senator on behalf of the Grand Ronde
Tribe, Native Americans, Oregonians and all Americans.
The Hatfield Fellowship also is in memory of Susan Long, Hat
field's devoted assistant who epitomized the best in public service.
The fellowship ensures that Hatfield's legacy of integrity, strength
and effectiveness in public service endures.
Each year, one Native American is selected to be the Hatfield
Fellow and serve as a member of the staff of one of Oregon's rep
resentatives in Congress in Washington, D.C. The internship lasts
for nine months.
Hatfield Fellows learn the inner workings of the federal political
system and serve as advisers on Native American issues. They work
closely with their member of Congress and with the entire Oregon
congressional delegation.
Hatfield Fellows are capable, motivated individuals who, through
their work in Washington, acquire new skills and experiences to be
change-makers and leaders in their communities, producing long
term benefits for all of the Tribes and the Pacific Northwest.
Fellows also participate in the American Political Science Associ
ation's month-long fellowship orientation. During this time, APSA
fellows in journalism, political science and international policy
become acclimated to the environment in Washington, D.C. By col
laborating with APSA, Hatfield Fellows have an instant support
network, including the director of the fellowship program who acts
as a resource and mentor.
Past fellows have successfully served in several congressional
offices over the years, including those of senators Ron Wyden and
Gordon Smith, and representatives David Wu, Darlene Hooley, Earl
Blumenauer and Greg Walden.
To obtain a downloadable application, visit www.thecommunity Deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 30. Postmarks
are not considered.
To obtain more information about the Hatfield Fellowship, send
an e-mail to
Tribal Council makes several
appointments to SEBs, committees
Notice to interested persons
Requests for Quotation:
Native Hand Made JewelryCraft Items
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde is seeking submissions from
interested persons to provide handmade Tribal jewelrycraft items to be
gifted to dignitaries and visitors.
Quantities of items ordered will typically be 3 to 5 of each item for an
overall total of 20 to 25 items per order.
Desired items include:
H Beaded Necklaces (unisex)
Beaded Bracelets (unisex)
Beaded Key Chains
H Beaded Earrings
H Rings
H Small carvings (canoe paddles, figurines)
Small pine, cedar or twine baskets
Small leather pouches
Selections will be made based on the quality, design, variety of items
submitted and cost. Items submitted should be unisex (for men and women
to wear).
Instructions for submission
Interested persons should submit sample items (sample items not pur
chased will be returned) with pricing to:
Larry Leith
Procurement Manager
96 1 5 Grand Ronde Road
Grand Ronde, OR 97347
503-879-2216 or 503-883-3365
Tribal Preference will be applied in the evaluation process. If claiming
Tribal preference, provide a copy of the Vendor's CTGR Tribal Enrollment
card. The Tribe reserves the right to make selections that are in the best
interest of the Tribe. The Tribe also reserves the right to reject any or all
proposals, if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the Tribe.
The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2013, at 5 p.m. B
By Dean Rhodes
Smoke Signal editor
Tribal Council made several ap
pointments and re-appointments
to Tribal committees and special
event boards at its Wednesday,
April 10, meeting.
Tribal Council either appointed
or re-appointed the following Tribal
Kimberly Contreras to the Cul
tural Trust Board;
Ferrell DeGarmo, Kevin Sim
mons and Betty Bly to the Cul
ture Committee;
Alton Butler, Tracy Moreland,
Leslie Riggs and Brenda Tuomi
to the Education Committee;
Dale Langley and Robert Nagel to
the Fish and Wildlife Committee;
Anna Hannan and Janet Phillips
to the Health Committee;
Dana Ainam and Kalene Contre
ras to the Powwow Special Event
Dale Langley to the Rodeo Special
Event Board;
Eva Simmons and Jenny Sanchez
to the Social Services Commit
tee; Kimberly Campbell, Janet Gid
dings, Sharon Hanson, Joann
Mercier and Michael Mercier to
the Election Board;
Sharon Freund, Sharon Hanson
and Robert Schmid to the Enroll
ment Committee;
And Alton Butler, Jerry George
and Richard Ray to the Timber
In other action, Tribal Council
voted to hire Automated Election
Services to provide technical sup
port services for Tribal elections
and held a first reading on amend
ments to the Budget and Appropri
ated Ordinance that would, among
other things, require budget hear
ings to be recorded and make those
recordings available to General
Council and Tribal staff.
Tribal Council also adopted a
resolution supporting inclusion of
funding for an Indian education
specialist in the state Department
of Education's budget. The special
ist would develop and implement
culturally responsive and accurate
curriculum about Oregon's nine
federally recognized Tribes in con
junction with the state's common
core standards.
Included in the April 10 Tribal
Council packet were four authoriza
tions to proceed to perform work at
the Tribal plankhouse.
The authorizations will permit
ventilation repairs, installation
of exhaust fans and a fresh air
ventilation fan and piping, light
ing and electrical improvements
and rehabilitation of drainage and
upheaval issues.
A different authorization to pro
ceed supported sending a letter to
Oregon Health and Sciences Uni
versity in support of the One Sky
Center, which is facing an uncer
tain future because of the federal
sequestration issues. B
Elders seeking yard sale donations
Tribal Elders are regularly seeking donations of clean, useable items for
fundraising garage sales.
To donate an item or items, contact Tribal Elders Linda Brandon at 971-267-0918
or Duane Wheeler at 541-992-3254.
Adult Foster Program
Jl Shy J rsiy-J&11 ' a
The Tribe's Adult Foster Care lodges are committed to offering quality
care to our Elders and helping them remain as independent as possible, while
providing the personalized assistance they need. At our lodges, a wide range
of services is available in a comfortable setting where privacy is respected
and maximum independence is supported. For information, contact the Adult
Foster Program Director at 503-879-1694. B