6 OCTOBER 1,2012 Smoke Signals OSU helps Tcrfilbes aircihiove ttoew history By Theresa Hogue Oregon State Unwernily CORVALLIS Oregon State University Libraries is helping Oregon's nine federally recognized Tribes preserve some of their most important historical records. In August, OSU Libraries hosted the Oregon Tribal Archives In stitute, a project created through a two-year grant from the Or egon State Library that focused on providing in-depth archives and records management training for Oregon's nine Tribal nations. The institute was designed to help the Tribes establish an ar chives and records management program, or further an existing program. It also provided Tribal representatives with a chance to collaborate and identify ways to work together as they move to orga nize, preserve and make accessible to their Tribal communities key parts of their history. David Lewis, Tribal Museum cu rator for the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, participated in the five-day workshop. He said the Grand Ronde community is inti mately involved in preserving its history, and many Tribal Elders assist by identify people in archival photographs or donate family pa pers for archiving. The archives are "The training was amazing, better than I had hoped." David Lewis, Tribal Museum curator maintained by Tribal employees who are motivated by an interest in maintaining the Tribe's history. "The training was a way that we at Grand Ronde could increase the skills of the staff and help them do their work better and more effi ciently," Lewis said. 'The institute gave them ideas and introduced them to a network of similar people and we will need these as we move into developing a museum at the Tribe. The training was amazing, better than I had hoped." Oregon State already has a his tory of working with the preserva tion of multicultural archives from around the state. OSU Libraries houses the Oregon Multicultural Archives, which assists in preserv ing the histories and sharing the stories that document Oregon's African American, Asian Ameri can, Latino and Native American communities, as well as advancing scholarship in ethnic studies and racial diversity both on the Oregon State campus as well as statewide and regionally. "This institute was a unique op- Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Tribal Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program: Wawa pus tenas 'Speaking for ChildrenYouth' UP1' STAND FOR OUR NATIVE CHILDREN The Tribal Court is looking for committed, caring adults who have an interest in helping one of the nearly 90 Grand Ronde children currently in foster care by becoming a CASA volunteer. As a volunteer, you will be trained to help give children a voice during a difficult time by appearing at Court, attending meetings involving the child, and advocating for the child's best interest. For more information or to apply, contact Adrea Korthase, Tribal Court Program Specialist at 503-879-4623 or email adrea. korthasearandronde.ora f tjou would like more information on how to volunteer and better serve our Tribal Children, please detach and complete this form and return it toi Tribal Court Programs Specialist, $6 I ? Grand Ronde Road, Grand Knde, Oregon 7M7- For additional information, call 50- 7?-o"25 or e mailt drea.ltorthaseOgrsndronde.org jiff S;VL please send me a CASA Advocate Application please send me more information about the Tribal Court CASA Program Name: Address: portunity to bring together Tribal culture keepers from both records management and archival pro grams," said Natalia Fernandez, Oregon Multicultural Librarian with OSU Libraries. "While one of the main goals of the institute was to provide an opportunity for profes sional development, our other, and perhaps more important goal was to provide an opportunity for network ing and community building." The training included archival facility planning; disaster pre paredness planning and recovery; best practices for proper care and storage of archival materials; au diovisual collections; electronic records management; records re tention and collection development policies, access levels to Tribal records available online; grant writing; social media; professional development networks and project collaboration. The group also took field trips to the Siletz and Grand Ronde com munities and the Benton County Museum to look at their archival and museum facilities. "To have participants from all nine Tribes in Oregon really tells me that there is a need," Lewis said, "and we have done the right thing to pursue this project." Oregon State Librarian Mary Kay Dahlgreen said she appreciated the collaborative effort of the institute. "I was delighted with the level of excitement and commitment I got from the group after a very full week of intense work," she said. D Photo by Michelle Alaimo Mel Netzhammer, chancellor of Washington State University Vancouver and Jane Cote, College of Business academic director at WSU Vancouver, made a trip to Grand Ronde to visit with Tribal Council on Thursday, Sept. 20. Tribal Chairman Reyn Leno, left, educated them on the Tribe's history, as well as its health care and education programs. Netrhammer and Cote gave Tribal Council a short overview of the business programs the university offers and said that they hope to explore opportunities for future partnerships. Elders' garage sale seeking donations Tribal Elders are regularly seeking donations for fundraising garage sales. To donate an item or items, contact Tribal Elders Linda Brandon at 971-267-0918 or Duane Wheeler at 541-992-3254. i rans porta no ii r rr 1 - 1 Zmmmmmmm iui i nuai in u in u urs The Portland Office has transportation day to Grand Ronde once a month for medical, dental appointments or enrollment cards. We need a minimum nf 1 nnnnl o t n ciirn ti r P I d a o a rait T i o a lr Please call in advance for (he scheduled monthly da n t f " Ad created by George Valdez