14 SEPTEMBER 15,2012 Smoke Signals Wditd big pcrnzes fiw helpimg woDdlDiffe!! Help collect biological samples from deer and elk and your name will be entered into a drawing for nix gift cards. 3 prizes for deer: $125 gift card to Cabela's 3 prizes for elk: $125 gift card to Cabela's Why: The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Natural Resources Division, in cooperation with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and USDA Veterinary Services, is collecting biological samples from deer and elk to learn more about diseases that may be affecting our deer and elk herds. The Tribe will test for a variety of diseases; primary among these are the following: Chronic Wasting Disease has not been detected in Oregon. We want to catch this disease early if it shows up in Oregon as it can have devastating effects on deer and elk populations. Adenovirus Hemorrhagic Disease has been detected throughout Oregon. Samples will help determine where adenovirus is found in Oregon. How to participate: Allow the Tribes' biologists to collect samples of brain stems, lymph nodes and tooth samples from elk and samples of blood, brain stems, lymph nodes, muscle tissue and tooth samples from deer. All samples must be collected within 48 hours of death; 24 hours preferred. Bring hunter-harvested animals to the Tribes' Natural Resources office at 47010 S.W. Hebo Road, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After hours or on the weekend, call 503-560-4426. If you are unable to bring an animal in we may be able to come to you to collect samples. Please contact the Tribes' biologists for more information. Hunters will need to provide the general location (within a mile) of where the animal was killed (to be used in the event that a disease is found). Your name will be entered in the drawing for each useable sample we are able to collect, up to three entries for each deer and up to two for each elk. Fresh road kills can be reported to the Tribes' biologists so we can pick them up for sampling. Your name would then be entered for any useable samples we collect from the road kill. Tribal and non-Tribal community members are eligible to partici pate. Animals must be harvested legally. Drawing will be held at the April 2013 Fish and Wildlife Committee meeting at the Natural Resources office. Prizes are sponsored by the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Fish and Wildlife Committee. The Fish and Wildlife Committee and Natural Resources Division thank you for your help in gathering information to help us maintain our deer and elk populations. Happy hunting! For more information: Natural Resources Division, 47010 S.W. Hebo Road, Grand Ronde, Or 97347. Rebecca McCoun at 503-879-2396, Lindsay Belonga at 503-879-2387 or Kelly Dirksen at 503-879-2382. D c UyyJu.rV.. vt , . . . Brian Krehbiel at 503-879-4639 Ad created by George Valdez New Oregon tuition waiver House Bill 3471-Tuition Waiver Bill is a new law that gives "tuition waivers" to current and former foster youth for Oregon community college and public universities. This program begins with the 2012-13 academic year. Requirements: All current foster and former foster youth who have spent at least 365 days in substitute care after age 16, AND either left foster care (had wardship terminated) or completed high schoolGED within the previous three years qualify for this program. Application process: Students must submit their FAFSA (www.fafsa. gov) as soon as possible! DHS and ICW will send a list of eligible students to the Oregon Student Access Commission for prioritization of an Oregon Opportunity Grant. The school of attendance will be notified of eligible students attending their institution and notify the student of the tuition waiver amount. There is no separate application or steps for students to apply other than submitting their FAFSA. For more information, contact your ILP worker or the Tribal Scholarship Office at 1-800-422-0232, ext. 1345. D (iMSm CHCIOGB CBljHD , . ..... v f. ; -rn- - rf . tAI-SLWI -4 Iff I fill Wll aEHa30& fiff