4 Smoke Signals AUGUST 15,2012 Recreation Department awards survey prizes 2007 Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongo.ski visited the Tribe to sign the first state-Tribal proclamation with Tribal Chairman Chris Mercier. The proclamation was the first step toward giving Grand Ronde Tribal members increased access to game for ceremonial purposes outside of state-mandated hunting and fishing seasons, as well as permitting the Tribe increased management of its own lands. 2002 Tribal Education Director Marion Mercier greeted guests at an open house for the Tribe's new $6.8 million Education campus held inside the new Tribal gym. With more than 30,000 square feet, the new campus is large enough to meet the Tribe's educational needs for the foreseeable future. 1997 The Tribe's new Health Clinic was nearing completion and was scheduled to open in October. Tentative plans called for Tribal staff to move in between Sept. 8-15. Tribal members were asked to be patient as many staff members would be moving their offices. 1992 The Tribe's annual powwow, set for Aug. 14-16, included a Teen Sober Dance, co-ed volleyball tournament and Sunday grand entry featuring the Kahurangi Maori Dance Theater of New Zea land. 1987 During the Royalty Pageant, Cindy Martin was selected 1987 Miss Grand Ronde and Mario George was picked at 1987 Junior Miss Grand Ronde. Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year in crements through the pages of Smoke Signals. Trans port a t i o n for Tribal members The Portland Office has transportation day to Grand Ronde once a month for medical, dental appointments or enrollment cards. We need a minimum of 3 people to sign up. Please call Li sat "T 1 Wi. f'.tf ITf E. g, fit " Please call in advance for the scheduled monthly date Ad created by George Valdez r . m Jim i w Ml II J IS-1 wi sons 'w ',' i wot t '',; 'i'f.i. 'I 'j'J "f " - f-CK :" i B- 1 r ! JGUINA MJJ fj T.PJITAILS Datr: August. IHili t motion: CKIU ' Vu nnin.k Dfvlslons: 7"'-')'1' & n',--l rmi Mm .lww. VIkmI JD Mi'il I - itf wImwiI trsrj r 1 itlut III Hertislcr at VI O I J Hily by Autfuitl 1 7 (Ojli-- li mrs hum h-ri '.tin', Grand Kmuli- Ril, Craml Kmulr f)K. I7.U7 or register ill Pow Wow tutuls Ui.slit'tbiill coin U on r'riijjiy, Aug IT''1 from Tjmi-hpni. .Ve k for nioiv lt;iils Dunk I onU'M :i J'otnl Mtool-ou I" & 'J'"' )I.k'. Ite.t Dunk, iiiiil ijil t'nili'l. Limited Teams!!! -. TO BOYI AND GIRLS -, TQu r r J a ment Tim Friday, August 1 7 7m-8pm Check-in and pick up tournament regulation packet Saturday, August IS Sain- Noon Garru-s Noon-lpm Break Ipm-fipm Ganic-H & Dunk Contest apt. Shoot-mit ;pm-7pni Break 7pm-Jpm Games (if needed; OPE'N PRIZES! : ' ' Thank you eon RKM-ecTiccs Crano Ronde's tpibal coMMONtrv and ouo cuct-jBE ay NOT Dl!)Pl7Y!NO GANG AFPILIATiO'i OH QY BKINGINf":. U1-.C5. ALCOHOL OH AEAPOSS TO THIS EVENT. ft " ii ii nun HD w 6 o w f Contributed photo Tribal Elder Mik Larscn, left, accepts a Kindl Fira from Youth Education Program Manager Tim Barry for being the grand prize winner in the Community Recreation survey drawing. Throughout May and June, the Tribe's Recreation Department encouraged members of the community to participate in a survey to express opinions and suggestions about how to better utilize Tribal recreational facilities. During May and June, the Tribe's Recreation Department encouraged community members to participate in a survey to express opinions and suggestions about how to better utilize Tribal recreational facilities. The winners of survey prizes were drawn on Tuesday, July 31, by Recre ation Coordinator Matthew Mosley, Youth Education Manager Tim Barry and Youth Education Secretary Tiffany Mercier. Winners were: $10 gift cards: Alexander Foster, Kari Culp, Christine Rock, Jill Bran don, Susan Russie, Peggy Drake, Denali Stone, Joseph Holmes, Cheryle A. Kennedy and Jordan McKnight. $20 gift cards: Trinity Minahan, Marisa Mode, Claudette Parazoo, Jilene Mercier and Tara Thorsgard. $50 gift cards: Missy Soderberg and Sharon Freund. The grand prize of a Kindle Fire went to Tribal Elder Mike Larsen. "We were so grateful at the amazing responses that we received from members of all age groups," Barry said. "We would like to thank everyone who participated. We received really good feedback and assure you that the Recreation Department is working diligently on making your sugges tions reality. Congratulations to all the winners." B ATTENTION TRIBAL MEMBERS COMMITTEE AND SPECIAL EVENT BOARD VACANCIES The following Committees and Special Event Boards have vacant positions. "' ; ',. , ; Social Services 3 Vacancies Rodeo Special Event Board 1 Vacancy Veterans Special Event Board 1 Vacancy Please send completed applications to the Lauri Smith, 961 5 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347. t .J ' '-' - (HD 503-879-5211 aw" Ad created by George Valdez