Smoke Signals 3 JULY 1,2012 Service Coordination Team opems ffoor business Tribe creates way for members to access myriad services in one call By Ron Karten Smoke Signals staff writer When Tribal members need a service, it is important to know what resources are available and to be able to access the correct ser vices quickly. The experience can be new, overwhelming and time consuming. A new Tribal program hopes to improve the process for Tribal members and their families in need of virtually any of the services the Tribe provides. More than a year ago, four Tribal departments joined forces and began the work of forming a Service Coor dination Team. The core of the team includes Social Services, Education, Behavioral Health and Housing. 'The SCT is the next step in the evolution of Tribal programs and services and promises to create opportunities for members seeking services from multiple Tribal pro grams," said Health Services Ex ecutive Director Mark Johnston. The separate services can be brought together in a crisis situa tion, but also for Tribal members and their families who have tried to access services in the past, said Indian Child Welfare Supervisor Dana Ainam. "The idea is that we can get a referral anytime," said Ainam, "and pull a team together as soon as pos sible, develop a plan and address their needs." The people around the table will include Tribal staff, but also mem bers of the families needing help, as well as other professionals from the Tribe, state or county who are either already involved or may be able to provide a vital service. The needs of each individual case will dictate who should be involved. Constraints on privacy issues have been addressed with authori zations to release or share informa- Youth Ed schedules Camp Dakota The Tribe's Youth Education Program is holding a two-day Camp Dakota on Monday and Tuesday, July 16-17, in Scotts Mills. The program will start with lunch in Salem and then travel to Camp Dakota, where participants will go through a rope course, ride a zip line, play paintball and operate remote-controlled cars. The event is open to male Tribal members, descendants and enrolled Native American students who were in sixth, seventh or eighth grade in 2011-12 school year. For more information or reserve a spot, contact Chris Bailey at 503-879-4534 or by e-mail at Lamprey harvest lasts until July 31 Are you an enrolled Tribal member interested in harvesting lamprey for personal use? The state Department of Fish and Wildlife has announced the 2012 harvesting schedule for lamprey on the east side of Willamette Falls. Enrolled Tribal members may harvest lamprey for their personal use between June 1 and July 31, 2012, while following established guidelines. Contact the Natural Resources Department at 47010 S.W. Hebo Road in Grand Ronde or call 503-879-2424 for more information and specifics. D Committee & Event Board meeting days and times Below is the most current information on the meeting days and times for Tribal Committees and Special Event Boards: Ceremonial Hunt Board meets as needed. Chair: Shonn Leno. Cultural Trust Board meets at 4 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in Modular No. 2. Chair: Perri McDaniel. Culture Committee meets at 1 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month in Modular No. 3. Chair: TBD. Education Committee meets at 5:15 p.m. on the first Monday of the month in the Adult Education Building. Chair: Jon George. Elders' Committee meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of the month in the Elders' Activity Center. Chair: Gladys Hobbs. Enrollment Committee meets quarterly in Room 204 of the Governance Building. Acting Chair: Robert Schmid. Fish & Wildlife Committee meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at the Natural Resources Building. Chair: Harold Lyon. Health Committee meets at 1 0 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month in the Tribal Wellness Center. Acting Chair: Patti Tom-Martin. Powwow Special Event Board meets at 5 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at the Tribal Community Center. Chair: Dana Ainam. Rodeo Special Event Board meets at 6 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at the Tribal Rodeo Office. Chair: Harold Lyon. Social Services Committee meets at 4 p.m. the second Monday of the month in the Social Services Conference Room. Chair: Jenny Sanchez. Timber Committee meets at 5 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at the Natural Resources Building. Chair: Bob Mercier. Veterans Special Event Board meets at 4 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of the month in the Tribal Community Center. Chair: Dakota Whitecloud. tion among departments, though all those receiving the information are bound by confidentiality re quirements to keep the information from going beyond the group. In addition, said Ainam, meetings can be held at meeting rooms in the housing developments to allow for better privacy than may be avail able on the main Tribal campus. Families farther afield, out of state, also will have access to the program by phone and e-mail. 'This also is an avenue for people who are not currently working with a program," said Ainam. "It will reduce runaround and allow us to wrap more comprehensive services around each individual." In meetings over the last year, the departments discussed redundancy in services and processes. This program will centralize functions and assist programs in maximizing resources for Tribal members. "It's been good for us to do the teamwork," said Deborah Kroeker, Housing Services specialist, and point-person for the team. "Unfor tunately, we tend to get tied up in our own stuff. Now, this coordinated effort is on the front burner. "As we go through this process, we hope that it will improve how services are structured. All of us will be more knowledgeable about how related services function, and what services others provide." It is a program whose time has come. Polk County initiated a similar program in recent years, Kroeker said, and the statewide 211 number also recently started providing simi lar services, as reported in Smoke Signals in the Feb. 1, 2012, issue. Referral forms are available at all of the involved offices, and cases can be set in motion almost immedi ately with a call to Kroeker at 503-879-4522 or an e-mail to deborah.; or the same to virtually anybody in any of the participating departments. Re ferral forms will soon be available on the Tribal Web site, too. "We're excited about this oppor tunity," said Ainam. 0 (3D wis-wp'- " f- mm 503-879-5211 l-CCD-lU Ad created by George Valdez Chinuk Wawa Dictionary Order Form mm -r---fmr"-- " . .vr il '.Ji-1 rf ! 0 ""V UMn'fai,LipMjw'iiii 0 cninuK'wawa tijigr . 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