Smoke Signals 13 JULY 1,2012 U3Q INTERNAL OPENINGS MailPrinting Specialist Procurement Grade: 6 ' Closing date: July 13 EXTERNAL OPENINGS On-call Teacher Aid Early Childhood Education Grade: 5 Open until filled H Physician Medical Clinic Grade: 23 Open until filled Caregiver (on-call) Adult Foster Care Grade: 5 Open until filled Executive Director Housing Grade: 17 Open until filled INTERNALEXTERNAL Community Health Department Manager Community Health Grade: 14 Closing date: July 3 Registered Nurse Diabetes Case Manager Medical Clinic Grade: 13 Closing date: July 6 Reference Librarian Education Grade: 8 Closing date: July 13 Economic Development Administrator Economic Development Grade: 14 Closing date: July 23 For a detailed job description, please contact the Tribe's job line at 503-879-2257 or 1 -877 TRIBEGR. Grand Ronde Food & Fuel Company CashierFueler wanted Hours Worked: Part-time 20 hours Pay rate: $8.80 lin Avatlahilitv: Must Ihv able to work mvkcruR holidays and graveyard shift c r W request application from CTGR Human Resources at 503-879-2 109. Internal applicants are 1 . Current Regular Employee, past their six-month Intro ductory period, receiving at least a "meets expectations" on most recent performance evaluation and not under disciplinary action or perfor mance improvement within the previous six months, 2. Grand Ronde Tribal mem bers 3. Spouse of a Grand Ronde Tribal member or 4. Parent or legal guardian of Grand Ronde Tribal member children Internal recruitment For those individuals meeting minimum qualifications an interview will be given in the following ranking order: 1. Grand Ronde Tribal mem bers a) Qualified Grand RondeTribal members who show they meet the minimum qualifica tions of the position during the course of the interview process will be given first consideration for hire and the recruitment process will end 2. Tribal member spouses, parents andor legal guard ians of Grand Ronde Tribal member children 3. Current regular employees Drug-Free Workplace Policy D Effective January 1, 2004, all employees are subject to random drug andor alcohol testing. PAII pre-employment offers. When there is reasonable suspicion. Post accident. ..A... Aas' ' T I 4 f Ad created by George Valdez Currently, Spirit Mountain Casino has several job openings. Job postings are updated every Friday and can be viewed at http:spir itmountain.comcareers or you may call the Job Hotline number at 503-879-2350, ext. 3744, or 800-760-7977, ext. 3744. If you are an enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and need assistance in processing an application or have any questions, you can contact Tribal Development and we would be happy to assist you. E-mail: David DeHart: 503-879-3867 or cell: 503-437-2176 Misty Carl: 503-879-3813 or cell: 503-437-1679 Trina Pesterfield: 503-879-3896 or cell: 503-437-2122 "The Tribal Career Development Department (TCD) is responsible for enhancing the self-sufficiency opportunities for enrolled members of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. This department will meet the needs of Tribal members through a progression of custom ized processes to ensure opportunities for the individual by providing a collaborative and trusting environment, consultation and career recommendations. " A HEALTH TEXT MESSAGING SERVICE FOR AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS WENATIVE For weekly health tips, contests, and life advice text NATIVE to 24587 Please encourage young people in your community to sign up. Topics include: Teachings from Native leaders Wellness and Life Balance Family Relationships Mental Health Tobacco, Drugs and Alcohol Violence and Bullying Peer Pressure Sexual Health In 201 2, the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board will launch a companion website: The site Is being designed for Native youth, by Native youth, to encourage healthy behaviors, share youth-friendly media and current events, Increase cultural Identity and pride, and share the positive Impacts Native youth are having on their communities. Funded by Die Nrtonel IHS HIV Prcgmm For more Information, plMM contact Jetilca Leston: jleflDneTnpalhbjyg or vtah us at hnpywvmjipilhborgeptoiterprojectpiojectraduilon Ad created by George Valdez Healthy Relationships School Pressures Getting Help Quizzes, polls, and discussions Scholarships, conferences, internships Sundird ratal apply. Itt Just like textlng your friends and famHy. WEKNATIVB 0$