Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, December 01, 2011, Page 13, Image 11

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    Smoke Signals 13
DECEMBER 1, 2011
Request for Proposal
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde has approximately 4,800
members who access cultural education classes in three offices. We
are seeking to attain a variety of proposals for cultural education
classes that can be offered to our membership.
SUPPORTING EFFORTS (awarded contractor shall)
B Provide all general contracting services requested within this
Request for Proposal if awarded.
B Provide all material for the class that is being offered.
B Contractor shall be responsible for providing a syllabus for the
classes being offered by the end of the class.
B Provide a sign-in sheet for each of the classes, where contractor
delineates between Tribal members or non-Tribal members.
B Contractor shall act as a liaison between the Cultural Resources
Department and the General Membership. They will assist in
providing a positive vision of the program.
B Contractor is responsible for all travel-related expenses including
transportation, housing, meals or supplemental receipts. Mileage
will be reimbursed, but contractor will not get paid an hourly rate
while traveling to offices from their home.
Please be sure to respond to each question explicitly when asked for
information requested within this Request for Proposal. For purposes
of submission, answer questions according to the numerical order listed
below. Submissions not formatted correctly will not be considered.
1. Give a detailed list of the class or classes that you would like to
teach. Please include any relevant background information as to
why Grand Ronde should be hosting these classes.
2. What is your distance from Grand Ronde office, Portland office
and Eugene office? Are you willing to travel to each of the offices
to teach your class, or classes?
3. How long have you been practicing your art?
4. List any recent shows or exhibits where your art was displayed
or demonstrated.
5. Describe the materials that you will need to instruct your class. If
they are specialized materials, describe how you will obtain these
6. Will your class need specialized classroom space? If so, describe
what will be required for your class.
7. Please include a detailed list of the cost per class in your pro
posal. 8. Describe any particular features of your organization that have
not been addressed or you would like to elaborate upon.
Submit bids no later than Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011, to Brian
Krehbiel, Cultural Education Specialist, 9615 Grand Ronde Road,
Grand Ronde, OR 97347. Phone 503-879-4639 or fax 503-879-2126.
For questions, e-mail B
American Indian Nations from
Termination to Restoration, 1953-2006
Roberta Ulrich
When the U.S. government ended its relationship with dozens of Native
American tribes and bands between 1953 and i960, it was engaging in a massive
social experiment. Congress enacted the program, known as termination, in the
name of "freeing" the Indians from government restrictions and improving their
quality of life. However; removing the federal status of more than nine dozen
tribes across the country plunged many of their nearly 13,000 members into
deeper levels of poverty and eroded the tribal peoples sense of Native identity.
Beginning in 197J and extending over a twenty-year period, the terminated tribes,
one by one, persuaded Congress to restore their ties to the federal government
Nonetheless, so much damage had been done that even today the restored tribes
struggle to overcome the problems created by those terminations a half century
Roberta Ulrich provides a concise overview of all the terminations and
restorations of Native American tribes from 1953 to 1006 and explores the
enduring policy implications for Native peoples. This is the first book to
consider all the terminations and restorations in the twentieth century as part
of continuing policy while detailing some of the Individual tribal differences.
Drawing from Congressional records, interviews with tribal members, and other
primary sources, Ulrich delves Into the causes and effects of termination and
restoration from both sides.
Roberta Ulrich Is a retired newspaper reporter. She Is the author of Empty Sets:
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Justin Anthony Salchenberg
Jan. 25, 1990 - Nov. 28, 2011
Tribal member Justin Anthony Salchenberg, 21, of West Linn,
Ore., walked on Monday, Nov. 28, after being involved in a car ac
cident on Oregon 43 near Mary S. Young State Park between West
Linn and Lake Oswego.
Salchenberg was the son of Tribal member Marty George and
Mandy Bolson and the grandson of Tony and Claudia George.
A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, at
Molalla Christian Church, 223 E. Third St., Molalla.
A graveside service will be held 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4, at the
Grand Ronde Tribal cemetery on Grand Ronde Road.
A reception will follow in a location to be determined.
Need scholarship help?
Are you looking for scholarships and don't know where to start? Do you
need assistance with your scholarship applications andor personal state
ments? If so, contact the Tribal Scholarship Office at 1-800-422-0232, ext.
1345, or e-mail D
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